[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 days ago

Oh THATS how the water stains get on the roof tiles, people must be making the wrong water.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

If you guys are upside down why come the water doesn't fall out of the toilet?

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 3 points 5 days ago

If the cans were even shorter (closer to cube/ more efficient for amount of aluminum used) you might be able to put 2 on top of eachother

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 week ago

Banning it just causes them to be the victim.

Put a massive tax on all of the multinational american leech corporations that control our media. Musk isn't the cause of the problem, he's a symptom of it.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 31 points 1 week ago

First, the power was off due to planned maintenance. Second, Shang wasn’t an official federal employee yet, meaning he couldn’t access the pump. Hassen couldn’t do it either, CNN reports, because he had to fly back before the power would be restored.

“They didn’t get their photo op,” an unnamed source with knowledge of the incident told CNN, adding it represented “what DOGE has been this entire time — this slapstick operation of 20-somethings they’re seeing as whiz kids but have zero knowledge.”

lol that's amazing levels of incompetence.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 week ago

He's repealing the consumer carbon tax.

It's easy to just shift the costs to the background by charging producers. The outcome is largely the same.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 23 points 1 week ago

The increased Liberal momentum has boosted the NDP's chance to win my riding substantially so I'm definitely grateful for that.

Carney seems like he's open to electoral reform so hopefully this is the last FPTP election.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 46 points 1 week ago


From another page:

"In addition, Canada will have full and exclusive control over Gripen’s secure data – a unique advantage of our offer. The Gripen Centre in Montreal will host all work on the fighter's mission system and Canadians will carry out this work. With the mission system, communications and technical data all hosted in Canada, Gripen exceeds all industrial, security and controlled goods requirements. With Gripen the Royal Canadian Air Force will have maximum control over sensitive data handling."

It's a no brainer, in a world of digital warfare, needing to rely on a foreign home base is a tremendous liability.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 84 points 1 week ago

Trump truely is a master negotiator, who else could have come up with the genius strategy of: Make your closest allies and trading partners hate you.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 week ago

The argument against Chinese Ev's is not an economic one.

If some authoritarian state wants to steal from its poorest in society and transfer the wealth to foreign electric car buyers, why is our government trying to win in the race to the bottom?

Billions have been spent on the Canadian EV industry through subsidies, tax cuts and grants. The relative amount of jobs and Canada made goods are pitiful. The real beneficiaries are the foreign auto companies.

We will NEVER have a competitive advantage against China, Japan, US, UK, SK and Germany. Stop trying and put all that money and effort into something we do have a chance at being competitive in.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 33 points 1 week ago

Here's a list of them:

Amex Bank Citibank J.P. Morgan Bank Bank of America, National Association Bank of New York Mellon Capital One, Nation Association Citibank, National Association Comerica Bank Fifth Third Bank, National Association J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, National Association M&T Bank Northern Trust Company PNC Bank, National Association State Street Bank and Trust Company U.S. Bank National Association Wells Fargo Bank, National Association

If you recognize these names, I and many others would highly appreciate you moving your business elsewhere.

[-] Yoga@lemmy.ca 60 points 2 weeks ago

and exactly what people want to hear

It's what people who care about democracy want to hear. That certainly isn't everyone.

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