What is your affiliation with the Fairvote organization?
That's a good point, I was thinking the same thing regarding your first point but I'm so bitter I couldn't even give him that.
I don't care about Marxist social justice, I'm sorry if 'underprivileged' triggered something.
I think even the countries that abstained are on their side.
They're obviously being pressured to be on that side but all of the UNSC veto holders do that. The veto power shouldn't exist because this is what happens. Veto holders are allowed to bully whoever they want with no meaningful consequences.
They've been planning on invading Taiwan for nearly a decade.
That conflict overall is as old as the CCP. The reason it ended was the US threatening to step in: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_memoranda/RM4900.html
China holds Trillions in foreign assets in the West, they'd be kissing that all goodbye.
I'd bet on Russia getting invaded by China far sooner than Taiwan. In fact, either than the Sino-Vietnam war, the war with the Soviets is their most recent war.
Russia simply has less allies and has more of what China needs and wants, fresh water, uncontested ports and oil among many other things. They also have a (recent) historic claim to Outer Manchuria too.
Even Russia knows this:
As the war with Ukraine grinds soviet stockpiles down, Russia gets weaker and weaker. Taiwan on the other hand has a lot of allies and is very defensible.
Chinese philosophy and military doctrine is clear. The threats to Taiwan escalate while railways are being made towards the Russian Far East 'for trade'.
"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
Invading Taiwan might be the most obvious, telegraphed invasion in history.
Valid. I understand where you're coming from.
That said, if China can provide safe and affordable EVs that aren’t connected to the internet… basically a dumb car that runs on batteries
That would be ideal. If that was the goal, I'd support requirements for that. But that's not what we have, we have gigantic tariffs that were implemented because America did the same.
Not analogous in any meaningful way. Unless you want to argue that men are underprivileged in society.
We already have Chinese phones, applications, computers and networks.
I don't believe cars are not a meaningful attack vector relative to the economic benefit. Tiktok is a far larger threat.
The trade disputes related to Meng Wanzhou are nothing in comparison to what the US is doing right now.
blame them for much
Is it time to bust out the crime statistics?
I'm sorry, I just have so much negative life experience exclusively caused by men. My heart tells me that these are just damaged boys that are too scared to heal but my brain says 'dont get assaulted again'.
I’m the only one who really exists and the world around me is a reflection of my mental state?
What did you (I) do to deserve Donald Trump? Is this a punishment for misandry?
If you think conviction rates are an indicator of how bad the problem is, you've got it backwards. I'd recommend using this as a branching off point.
I won't be continuing conversation further.