¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i bought my current phone because of its headphone jack
this is mostly about bluetooth, but some of it applies to usb-c + dongle:
i have a cheap pair of earphones in my pocket (which i'm prepared to lose). another by the door. a more expensive set of headphones upstairs. a speaker in the kitchen. and when i get in a friend's car or go to their house, i can just plug my phone in and it works without the aggravation of having to pair to their speaker
tell me, oh "you can just buy a dongle" people, what am i supposed to do? buy one and accept that i'll lose it all the time? buy 5 and keep one plugged into every 3.5mm i own and don't own?
plus, y'know - takes slightly more battery, hassle to pair, can't charge and use dongle, all the other obvious issues
-- source, full comments
in about:config, try removing the pertinent domains from
i've never done this though, so caveat executor