[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 37 points 3 months ago

I switched off Duck Duck Go when the Ukraine war started and they proudly began censoring Russian websites. (Tweet, lib news). If they're gonna do that what's the point in using them over Google or Bing? Plus they were advertising on the local radio in my tiny shithole town, which seemed like a red flag for a "less corporate" search engine.

Yandex has been good, mostly glad that it seems better at including the more niche keywords I search instead of ignoring them like Google does

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Zuckerberg and Musk both feature themselves heavily in their company's marketing, unlike Google's founders. It's hard to see any news about the companies without seeing those two.

Also Americans hate Gates and Bezos? I hear people shittalk them far more often than Zuckerberg in real life. Especially Gates, since he's the center of a lot of conspiracy theories too

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 9 points 6 months ago

Learn your local spiders. Moved into a house with a ton of spiders, but after learning to recognize them it turned out only Black Widows were dangerous, and they stick to themselves in sheds and don't bother us

Now as long as they don't touch me I'm good with spiders. Love this one's color!

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 13 points 7 months ago

I can't see the 28 days poster as anything other than :3

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 23 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

angery every pathfinder 1e character being a Reactionary because some writer making that mistake on one of the most useful traits

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 35 points 8 months ago

SMT negotiations are by far my favorite monster-collecting methods. Just equal parts philosophy, flirtation, and gibberish as they vibe check you.

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 11 points 8 months ago

I don't know if it was from a mod, but when I played with a friend there was a modifier to disable failing out of songs, so we'd enable it on those songs and just swing along wildly as best we could, and still finish them. Also helped us get a lot better at the game. Maybe that would work?

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 9 points 10 months ago

Looks like going back to old English, strawberries were still berries. The botanical meaning was only added in the 1700s.

So blackberries, raspberries, tomatoes, pineapples, strawberries, and eggplants are all berries

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 10 points 11 months ago

I didn't want to pick a fight with 5e people, but we found it unsalvagable and moved on. Anything kind of campaign we could run in it would work better in some other system we know.

No one I know has played Pathfinder 2e since the playtest, but the low success rates and weakened spells made it feel like a very slow slapstick comedy. I heard some of that was from math issues that were later fixed.

We are considering trying it again, but I keep on getting caught up on the loss of things I loved in 1e, like constant flight or not having to take actions for your minions.

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think spell slots are really neat when you take advantage of them like 3.5/Pathfinder did. Each slot was prepared separately, could be left unprepared and then prepared out of combat to adapt to the day, and had lots of metamagic options to make use of different level slots.

But by the time of 5e, slots don't seem to have any purpose beyond lowering caster flexibility. When we were playing we ruled spontaneous casters could use spell points instead of slots to give them an edge up on the prepared ones.

3.0/3.5/Pathfinder also used Power Points for its psionics instead of slots, and that worked very well. Shame 5e doesn't have psionics.

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 20 points 1 year ago

Gonna pour one out for all my serranos and jalapeños in my former garden. Only got to eat one serrano angery The part of the garden with peppers didn't fully burn, but they were all well roasted, soft, and in the unsafe temperature zone for days

[-] Zezzy@hexbear.net 17 points 1 year ago

In my experience cities are way more dangerous because of dumbest car drivers constantly running red lights and almost hitting pedestrians. It felt terrible walking everywhere and trying to dodge cars, and I avoided riding a bicycle there as they frequently put bike lanes between car lanes and I had other bikers warn me about them having highest bicycle fatality rates in the country that year.

Cities where I live are just a scheme to get as many poor people ran over by giant confederate-flag waving trucks as possible

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