[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 2 months ago

It helps not having a computer with specs from a decade ago.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 2 months ago

AMD keeps some older generations in production as their budget options - and as they had excellent CPUs for multiple generations now you also get pretty good computers out of that. Even better - with some planning you'll be able to upgrade to another CPU later when checking chipset lifecycle.

AMD has established by now that they deliver what they promise - and intel couldn't compete with them for a few generations over pretty much the complete product line - so they can afford now to have the bleeding edge hardware at higher prices. It's still far away from what intel was charging when they were dominant 10 years ago - and if you need that performance for work well worth the money. For most private systems I'd always recommend getting last gen, though.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 3 months ago

At the time of sending the mail I need the metadata - so offering a SMTP server implementation which keeps this in memory while forwarding is not hard. You'd lose a persistent spool in case of delivery errors - but we've been doing relays that keep the client connection open while trying to deliver the mail to relay errors directly to the client already 30 years ago, so that also isn't an excuse.

For IMAP - if you don't do serverside searching or similar it'll work with fully encrypted mails.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 4 months ago

I was referring to work setups with the overengineering - if I had a cent for every time I had to argue with somebody at work to not make things more complex than we actually need I'd have retired a long time ago.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 6 months ago

Gut dass das kommt, aber leider zu spaet. Ich denke mit konsequenter Anwendung der existierenden Gesetzgebung gegen Scheinselbstaendigkeit haette man da auch schon viel machen koennen - jetzt ist viel zerstoert das wohl auch nicht mehr zurueckkommt. Hier gibts glaub ich nur noch ein einziges Restaurant das an eigenen Fahrern (mit gestellten Fahrzeugen) festgehalten hat.

Bei den anderen wird das jetzt halt vermutlich weiterhin teurer werden - was auf die Kunden umgelegt wird. Umstellung von eigenen Fahrern zu Lieferdiensten hat bei praktisch allen Restaurants zur Einfuehrung von Liefergebuehren ueber die Plattform gefuehrt - und Bedingungen fuer die Fahrer sind trotzdem schlechter als vorher.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

That's probably the "Vellamo" from Rhea Lines.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This should be trivially scriptable by ansible. Ideally you'd also transform your existing configuration into an ansible data structure so it can write out the complete config as that way is just more reliably - but ansible also is capable of editing stuff in place.

I'm using a structure like this:

      listen_port: 34800
      private_key_file: /etc/wireguard/private.key
      passdb_entry: vpn/fi1-mgmt
        public_key: bmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXAK
        public_key: bmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgbGV0IHlvdSBkb3duCg==

To set up both server and client. I'm mostly adding other peoples systems, so I don't know the private keys, and receive the public ones from them - but if you control both it's also trivial to pull that information from the system you're generating it on, and reuse it later.

This is the template used for the wireguard configuration, this the task managing the wireguard setup.

Getting the pubkey from a private key into a variable in ansible would look something like this:

- name: dump pubkey
  shell: "wg pubkey < {{_pubkey_file}}"
  register: _wg_pubkey
  changed_when: false

- name: register pubkey
    wg_pubkey: "{{_wg_pubkey.stdout}}"
  when: >
     _wg_pubkey is defined

It's then easy to dump it into a password store or something like that - if you check the repo in above links you'll see pass heavily used.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

and could barely speak a few basic sentences after 5 years of schooling

Thanks to events earlier last century pretty much everybody at least in Europe/Russia can speak a few basic sentences, and is often more than willing to demonstrate: "Haende hoch!" (hands up), "Nicht schiessen!" (don't shoot) and a few others.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

more recently, tiling.

The author seems to have a different definition of "recently" than I do (have been using tiling window managers for over 2 decades now).

If a window wants to be maximized, instead of fitting in a tile, it will move to its own workspace.

So pretty much "out of the users view", which seems to be one of the main things they're complaining about.

Overall just reads like a shitty mash of tiling and non tiling concepts, which you already can get better on a modern dynamic tiling window manager.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

Mine are handling oit perfectly fine - and we have the added difficulty of having German as mother tongue, and wanting to keep the English language content in the kids library low. Finding german language torrents is rather tricky.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

replacement motherboard (ludicrous this is this even a thing

A lot of energy and water savings in modern machines are due to the electronics used. Also, replacement of weight to keep the machine from wandering around during spin cycles with sensors and attempts to rebalance laundry, if necessary.

was triple the price of the entire washing machine.

The EU commission is aware of that, though for now hopes their ecodesign initiative for repairable products will be enough to push vendors in the right direction. Given that all of this is pretty new it's quite impressive to see how some vendors are embracing it already - I first noticed it when replacing an ancient kitchen oven, and in the shop next to spare sheets I could get all electronic components used in that thing.

I imagine they'll monitor the situation, and will have a chat with problematic companies based on that, or consumer protection complaints - like they did with the switch joycon drift thing, which I think was one of the first instances where eco design was referenced as reason for taking action.

[-] aard@kyu.de 2 points 1 year ago

emacs lisp already lets you use the full range of unicode.

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