[-] aard@kyu.de 20 points 3 months ago

No OS updates, unless promised at release. Some security updates, though. They're GPL violators, and don't release kernel sources, which makes 3rd party OS images harder.

Devices are generally easily repairable,they sell spares, and their support also sends you parts during warranty period if you ask - I just received a new battery for my titan slim.

[-] aard@kyu.de 19 points 4 months ago

Everything is deployed via ansible - including nameservices. So I already have the description of my infra in ansible, and rest is just a matter of writing scripts to pull it in a more readable form, and maybe add a few comment labels that also get extracted for easily forgettable admin URLs.

[-] aard@kyu.de 20 points 4 months ago

Ich denke es gibt durchaus Situationen wo man Stolz auf sein Land sein darf. Fuer mich waere die Messlatte grob dass wir es schaffen dass jeder Einwohner die Mittel und Moeglichkeiten hat ein menschenwuerdiges Leben zu fuehren, ohne Gaengelung durch irgendwelche Aemter. Obdachlose haben die Moeglichkeit ohne Vorbedingungen in eine Wohnung vermittelt zu werden. Jedes Kind sollte die gleichen Bildungschancen haben - dazu wuerde eine bundesweite Verpflichtung zur Lernmittelfreiheit (was auch durch die Schule gestellte Computer enthalten muss) gehoeren. Kostenloses Mittagessen in der Schule waere auch nicht schlecht. Und gerade in den unteren Klassen Zusatzfoerderung im Klassenverband fuer Kinder die Probleme haben, und nicht der Versuch direkt auf andere Schulformen abzuschieben. Zumindest fuers Erststudium/Erstausbildung dann BAfoeG ersetzen durch kostenlose Studentenwohnung und genug Foerderung dass man nicht noch was zuverdienen muss.

(Und bevor mir jetzt jemand mit "aber sowas ist unrealistisch" kommt - obiges ist grob der aktuelle Stand hier in Finnland. Wie weit weg davon Deutschland aktuell ist ist definitiv kein Grund um Stolz zu sein)

[-] aard@kyu.de 21 points 5 months ago

That's already the friendly variant. Traditional find has a mandatory path as first argument, so to find in the current directory you need to do find .

It also doesn't know if it really is a path - it just prints that as a likely error. You might just have messed up quoting an argument.

[-] aard@kyu.de 19 points 9 months ago

CUPS is horrible, and also had its share of critical vulnerabilities. It is just better than the LPD mess we had before.

It is not a Linux specific thing - it was developed when there still were a lot of UNIX variants around. Apple was a very early contributor, and had quite a bit of influence in making it successful.

[-] aard@kyu.de 20 points 10 months ago

There are small and cheap USB-C IR dongles around nowadays - generally USB-C has been a blessing for making additional hardware features available on smartphones.

My current phone does have IR - though I'm not really using it much since most of the existing Android software for that is horrible (broken, ad-infested, requires account and access to everything, ..), and I have too many open projects to start another one for writing my own software for that.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 10 months ago

Turns out, countries where religious extremists are stuck in the past and were allowed political power tend to legitimate killing by the state (also looking at you here, USA). They're also perfectly fine with women dying for that, so I don't think this statement is wrong when applied to extremists of any related religion.

[-] aard@kyu.de 19 points 10 months ago

A surprising amount of services (including Azure last I tried) can only handle RSA keys, so after trying ecdsa only for a while I ended up adding a RSA key again.

With that said - it's 2023, in almost all cases you should have your keys in a hardware module nowadays, in which case you'd use a different command for keygeneration.

[-] aard@kyu.de 20 points 10 months ago

Laut finnischen Nachrichten hatten die Athleten bewusst auf mehr Kleidung verzichtet um beweglicher zu sein.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 11 months ago

They were interesting, but only good for a very narrow purpose - not really a good thing when the trend back then was going away from special purpose machines toward general purpose.

intel didn't plan it to be just a special purpose CPU - but it just ended up that way. That they gave their first customers free Alpha workstations for crosscompiling code as that was faster than native compilation should tell you everything you need to know about suitability of itanic as general purpose system.

[-] aard@kyu.de 19 points 1 year ago

You also don't need the dash for the short options.

Also, if you're compressing with bzip2 and have archives bigger than a few megabytes I'll like you a lot more if you do it with --use-compress-prog=pbzip2

[-] aard@kyu.de 21 points 1 year ago

Those same tips also apply to a windows user - there's a decent chance those applications try to do something stupid which ends up making your system more vulnerable. If you don't have a throwaway notebook for that the best option is to sit the exam at a university computer.

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