[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 4 months ago

Accessing powershell is not the issue - that Windows is broken, with a sprinkle of bad permission management by corporations using it is the issue. And the bad permission practices are a direct result of how broken Windows is - I tried a while ago to use it with a fully unprivileged user, just like I do for decades on UNIX and now Linux. It pretty much is impossible without privilege elevation prompts every few minutes.

In a proper environment a user should be able to destroy data they're working with - but not have the ability to alter the operating system.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 6 months ago

Dazu kommt dann noch der zusaetzliche Schaden in der Wirtschaft, auch von Leuten die so aussehen als wuerden sie sich bemuehen: Bestenfalls koennen wir die Bewerbung direkt aussortieren, und verschwenden nur ein paar Minuten damit, schlimmstenfalls stellen wir dann jemand ein der versucht in der Probezeit wieder entlassen zu werden.

Langfristig gehen wir eh in Richtung weniger Beschaeftigung - statt hier Leute zu gaengeln die nicht wollen, und damit noch Kollateralschaden verursachen sollte man das einfach akzeptieren, und schauen dass wir Produktionsmittel die Arbeitsplaetze ersetzen so besteuern dass wir uns leisten koennen wenn jemand nicht arbeiten will.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 7 months ago

Aufschneiden, und mit etwas Kaese reinlegen.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 7 months ago

Dass die deutschen Gasspeicher 2022 zu wenig gefuellt waren wurde damals als von Russland geplant bestaetigt um Deutschland mit Gas erpressbar zu machen. Putin hatte halt nicht damit gerechnet dass Deutschland bereit ist fuck you money auf das Problem zu werfen.

[-] aard@kyu.de 17 points 9 months ago

He got purged a few years after the war.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 9 months ago

On a real UNIX (not only AiX) killall is part of the shutdown process - it gets called by init at that stage when you want to kill everything left before reboot/shutdown.

Linux is pretty unique in using that for something else.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 10 months ago

Ich fands etwas eigenartig dass der Tag so dunkel war, hab mir aber nichts weiter dabei gedacht.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 11 months ago

They were interesting, but only good for a very narrow purpose - not really a good thing when the trend back then was going away from special purpose machines toward general purpose.

intel didn't plan it to be just a special purpose CPU - but it just ended up that way. That they gave their first customers free Alpha workstations for crosscompiling code as that was faster than native compilation should tell you everything you need to know about suitability of itanic as general purpose system.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 1 year ago

For me personally the shitty UI of discord causes so much friction that I'll never interact with discord ever again, unless I can reach it via some gateway from some of the messaging systems I use - which so far doesn't happen as I'd need to log in to discord to configure the gateway. I tried that once, never again.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 1 year ago

Two years in and providing a USB-C adapter my wife is still complaining that her current phone doesn't have a headphone jack.

For my daughter I selected the phone mostly for repairability combined with colour choice, which landed me with Nokia - which ended up having a headphone jack. Didn't pay attention to that, but she's happy it is there.

[-] aard@kyu.de 18 points 1 year ago

Github is pretty annoying nowadays - and pretty much the only reason I haven't left for my own stuff is because going to a different platform will probably see me in the same situation in a few years again.

I still have my self hosted git instances around, and everything is pushed to there plus github - but github is where issues get created and pull requests come in as obviously nobody wants to make yet another account. That might be able to solve just that.

[-] aard@kyu.de 17 points 1 year ago

I also was almost dismissing it as "who let raddle out of the box again", but this is indeed a valid complaint, which even is easy enough for kbin to become compliant - so I also don't see why they didn't do it immediately when it was pointed out.

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