Edit - these posts will get downvoted. If only you could downvote reality away, eh?
They did everything they could to weaken the UK. To punish the UK for deciding to leave the EU.
No quarter given.
But the reason people voted to leave the EU was the importation of cheap Eastern European labour that was used to undermine pay and conditions for British workers of every origin. Saying brexit was the result of 'Russian interference' is as reductionist as saying 'Hilary's emails' was why people voted Trump in first time around. The bbc and others framed the debate as EU 'liberalism' (is that social or economic liberalism?casue political liberalism is the soft and fuzzy one covering the hard and ruthless other) v. something xenophobic. The reality on the ground was far more complex. Like in the US, the stories of poor people harmed by political liberalism were ignored. They still are being hence Trump 2, and the rise of Reform in the UK. As long as they are ignored the Reform party will continue a rise to power and you will see a UK split from EU countries further anyway.
I know it doesn't sound like it but I would rather have closer ties to Europe, but that is a different story to wanting closer ties with the monolithic, corporatist EU.
But ok, I am very happy to agree to disagree on the above. If it was reasonable for the EU to treat the UK badly over brexit, then it is more than reasonable for the UK to give no quarter back now that the Germans are asking for the protection of our nuclear weapons.
Now, to some degree the UK is going to remain aligned with the US. Our military and intelligence capabilities seem to be very much intertwined. The alternative for the EU, a UK completely aligned with the US, Russia, and a friend of China, is the alternative to the EU winding back the harm they have intentionally caused the UK.
Perhaps they should have been reasonable when the UK decided to leave the EU.
Edit - these posts will get downvoted. If only you could downvote reality away, eh?
Well clearly we did hold cards. The very post you replied to has pointed out exactly the cards we held, and still hold.
What I will say is remainers (including the UK government charged with managing the negotiations) weakened the UK's bargaining position just like your attitude would weaken the UK's position going forward.
But his isn't a brexit argument, that is a long-resolved issue.
This is about the UK's relationship with the EU. And notice I say EU, not Europe. I read media reports conflating the EU with Europe every week. Even this week talking of EU countries creating a 'European Army': well if they are going to define Europe as 'EU countries' (a corporatist takeover of the continent, if you like lol and most certainly something that I have read done week in and week out for years) so be it. Why wouldn't we maintain our special relationship with the US, and lean towards Russia, while maintaining our friendly relationship with China?
You reap what you sow.
Now if the EU wants the protection of our nuclear weapons they demonstrate how the have significantly changed their attitude towards the UK on an ongoing basis and the EU's role in Europe, and they pay economically.