Can you you show me where he said that ? It comes up a lot and I’ve never found the source .
I can’t believe you wrote that
Be real.
How does it “severely limit his ability to travel “ ?
Standard Guardian pearl clutching.
Here is the reality :
posh people do arts because they can afford to do it, and not have to earn. This has been the case for hundreds of years and private school has nothing to do with it.
The chances of making a living in the arts for anyone outside London, is next to zero. So to ignore the facts it’s enormously London centric kills any credibility .
Perhaps also consider what qualifies Andy Haldane, career economist at the Bank of England, to magically transfer his bean counting talent, into top job I. The Arts as chair of the RSA .
And then consider the only workers strike in its 270 year history took place on his watch .
Are you on the spectrum?
I’m a cute guy
Boyhood fantasy
If you think the people running Trump and the GOP - and I mean the documented ones - like the Mercer’s, Thiel, Adelson, Tim Mellon, etc, would cede control of their man to Russia, please say why.
Thank you