[-] andybytes@programming.dev 4 points 5 days ago

Chain smoking monkeys driving cars...in the heart of empire.. exponential feedback loop, a pit of despair, an empty vessel of lesser things a road going nowhere, on tracks coming to an end. No human progress ever just faster louder and dumber. "Freedumb"

[-] andybytes@programming.dev 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

As the resources get scarce or are more and more expensive you will see the internet shrink into walled gardens that squash free speech. Those that are in charge will play the game of Red Team Blue Team as they sell out their populations and justify more and more invasive policies. As government regulation is crippled to the point of pointlessness, there will be nothing that will protect us from being hacked by corporations. The internet one day will be seen as a form of tyranny with no real material practical use. It will become our chains. There is no separation between political science and the internet since it is the flow of information, the ability to rewrite history or to censor the present. There's just a lot of naive people out there that just want to cope so they can get their treats as they roll their eyes thinking people that wine and cry about the internet are Overacting because they think that they are safe. It is the background processes that keep us all where we are. It is the bureaucracy of tyranny where the only ones that are accountable are the ones that can't afford freedom. This is the era or the beginning of techno-futalism. The background processes will create voids of accountability where anyone, for any reason, can become the enemy, and the mob could be sent on that person. Kinda like the Wizard of Oz. in the era of reactionary nonsense, There will be no arms to join. No good guy or bad guy. The world of today is the victory of the most anti-social. There is no opposition. No real serious opposition. If you were ever to be called to action, it would be for a unserious endeavor. It is all about rallying the base to heighten the fear to push legislation that is tyrannical. To corner the market and crush competition by giving things away, that were even yours to give away.

[-] andybytes@programming.dev 0 points 1 week ago

Imagine the controlled opposition, aka the liberals, if they never mentioned or gave in to talking about trans people. because we know they don't care. These people trans folk wouldn't have been put in the crosshairs like they were. It's like thanks, but no thanks. The more you help, the worse it gets. And we saw them turn tail real quick, especially when they know they need to recalibrate their messaging because the next election they are going to struggle to get people to vote. But at the end of the day, capitalism is unsustainable. The theatrics of our political Masters are just looking for the boogeyman, something to get upset about, to take away from the fact that the capitalist class are robbing us blind. The left wing needs to focus on only economics because from my experience it's hard to tell rich people what to do.

[-] andybytes@programming.dev -2 points 1 month ago

So the democrats allowed the fascist to gain power invertantly and or indirectly creating a reactionary populist mob of poorly informed modern day slaves to burn down what little we had left. Compromised by self-interest liberalism has failed us, Selling out to foreign powers and foreign interests, It is a veneer of the imperialist empire that is USA. Democrats are not going to change anything. So if they allow things to get worse and you get your marginal gains, you'll have the impression of progress. But there is no progress in the Imperial Core. It was never about race. It was always about class.


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