I think it’s a big overexageration that leaving meta is social suicide. Call your friends.
One thing we do need to replace though is meetup. I thrive there but organizing on meetup is terrible and expensive.
I think it’s a big overexageration that leaving meta is social suicide. Call your friends.
One thing we do need to replace though is meetup. I thrive there but organizing on meetup is terrible and expensive.
News like this gets out and it should just be automatic unionization. Idk why people are such pushovers.
Highly educational
I think once you get into rust you just have a hard time going back, and it doesn't feel "hard" anymore. I can practically rust as easily as I can python for scripting and for API servers.
Rust really only gets hard when doing library development IMO. That's when you need lifetimes and well chosen types. But that's also why Rust libraries are superb.
I think you have to cut them down and bury them (or at least don’t burn them) for the carbon to “go away”.
That’s how it got underground to begin with.
Still until we actually 100% switch everything we could power off solar and wind to solar and wind, active carbon capture doesn’t make sense, sense we could use that clean energy for direct purposes instead of cleanup. I’m not sure we will ever have “excess energy” like that, we will always rather use it for something other than cleaning up our mess, like AI.
How are they gonna block tor? Does tor even use dns? And people just make a new random name every month so they don’t get cut.
When you get all 350 million people to riot I'll be on your side. But laying low is a more likely to succeed option. This country has never been fair or politically good. I prepared for this, because I could see it coming.
I literally pay taxes, that's paying the thugs not to rob you. It works well in Japan too, their thugs will defend your shop.
I have money and I'm not comfortable in prison. That's why.
Yes but also it’s open source soooo
RE: The biggest problem about this is the API definition. Libraries have APIs. But in a completely different way, webservers have APIs. If I say “we are going to a conference on API’s” what do you hear? That we are going to talk about REST, GraphQL, or gRPC, or web server APIs of some type. This is common phraseology. However, one time I was invited to such a conference, and it ended up being about C# design philosophy.
In that way API is an adjective (REST API, C# API, …) AND a noun (webserver API). That’s a problem.
And as an adverb, there is some justification to replace it with Library and others (REST Endpoint, C# Library)
Because otherwise all public functions are API’s, which doesn’t seem necessary to me. Saying a Library has an API is somewhat redundant. Saying a server hosts an API is not, many servers run jobs or databases. Many websites don’t host APIs. Etc.