Ye cannae ken that!
No but thanks for the new Pornhub search sugge… ugh I can’t even finish the sentence
the puppets in that video were weird
Does Putin not know that TurdRump usually cheats his way out of deals?
This is the sort of thoughtful reasoning that I’m glad to see here, so a wall of text was warranted! Thanks for taking the time to add to the discussion 👍🙏
Ourobouros but it’s the CEOs €$¥%#ing each other’s #%¥$€s
Please, I beg you, don’t make someone out there say “hold my beer”
Incorrect. Nice try
Noam Chomsky said “we don’t know what happens when you cram 10^5 neurons* into a space the size of a basketball” - but what little we know is astonishing & a marvel
*whatever the number is
Your "opinion" lacks evidence or experience to back it up. You just have bias.
Dude’s thinkin w his dick, okay. Freud was raised by his nanny and had very little contact with his bio-mom. Reasonable to assume it was so little that he experienced her as a stranger, & thought she was hot.
Extremely unreasonable to consider any mammal would have sexual urges that would result in immediate severe inbreeding. Some past-centuries gooner got all hot, great, but don’t make me take his porn seriously
A: no.