the puppets in that video were weird
I don’t get it. Is the car bomb IN the visual field? The only thing I recognise that NIers might notice is the orange colour
This is the sort of thoughtful reasoning that I’m glad to see here, so a wall of text was warranted! Thanks for taking the time to add to the discussion 👍🙏
Not just that, they’ll get your university to blackball you or your employer to fire you if you speak out against them
Weird. Armie Hammer has some story recently too about Poor Me All My Billions Are Gone.
I don’t believe anything a billionaire says cmon
Upvote for the perscurptivist spelling, lawl
Wtf is BREAD doing there?! You don’t have VEGETABLES at BREAKFAST this is AMERICA
Sometimes NI doesn’t even appear on the miniature versions of maps 😬
Exactly! 😂 “which January, the year where they first found out about them?”
Biden just pardoned a judge convicted of taking bribe money in exchange for sending children to “troubled kid” abuse camps. Tim Walz tweeted a condolence about the billionaire that was justifiably executed for his widespread torture of poor people. Kamala’s a cop.
Democrats, you’ve radicalized me. Like there’s gonna BE a vote allowed for mouthy queer people in four years LOLOL