They want to make everything impossible to fix. They want to turn our land into landfills and fleece us of our income.

Climate change or no, electric fan or no, anyone with self respect would rather buy a 1990 beater than a new car, they're user and owner hostile.

Pro tip: don't ever tell a Thai cook their food isn't spicy enough. They take their spice seriously, they take pride in it, and they like to dig it in a little if you ask for it spicier.

[-] 63 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The internet is fine.

Listen. The era of algorithms and automated aggregators and what not feeding you endless interesting content is over. Before that we read blogs, we shared them on Usenet and IRC, we had webrings. We engaged in communities and the content we were exposed to was human curated. That is coming back. If we can quit it with the hackernews bot spam on Lemmy, it can be one of those places. You need to find niche forums that interest you that are invite only and start talking to people. The future of the internet is human.

Open a link in any browser i like. Say "no" to updates. Have a main menu that doesn't look like a kiosk at the mall. Have my habits on my computer kept to myself. Install applications from outside an application store. Not need an antivirus software.

Meh, this is overblown.

They seized the control servers of the malware operation, used that to send an update destroying the bots, after getting a warrant to do so. In the article it makes it seem like they searched everyone's computer, even though the warrant explicitly forbade them from doing so, saw the bot software and then targeted them. This is not the case.

The warrant explicitly forbade the FBI from searching the computers they for the warrant for. The article implies that they could violate the warrant if they want to. And they could. But by that logic any warrant can be abused, let's just get rid of warrants. And the issue at hand, that the court issued the warrant, is being glossed over on this point. The FBI had this capability, they'll abuse it warrant or no if they're trying to abuse it. The warrant makes no difference. So why even bring up the warrant?

Just change your user agent. Fuckers have no business knowing.

I thought deaths on screen were real and that people volunteered to die to create the production and wondered why in the world someone would die just to make a movie.

Anything with added complexity will have a larger attack surface and more failure modes.

Any vulnerability will be exploited. The fact that Lemmy federates and caches media by default is a huge vulnerability in a decentralized network. This was inevitable, I'm just glad I didn't wind up having to see it myself.

This should tell you all something about the road you're all going down with this guy. Salivating at the prospect of a mugshot got you losing touch with the political landscape.

This guy's political brand is "the establishment is corrupt and out to get me because I challenge their corruption, the media is in on it." Every single thing you do to counter him strengthens him. You can't mock him because he's an unapologetic bufoon. And he has the perceived image of having tried to deliver on his promises and being blocked by the whole machine, seeing as he has been president before. ISIS destroyed, dollar a gallon gasoline, Israel having diplomatic relations with several Arab countries, this is a hard guy to beat politically, he has positioned himself nicely and branded himself just so that you cannot take his base from him no matter what you do, or what he does. "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and not lose a single vote" should make it very clear, this guy is 100% self aware, he knows exactly how he is perceived and he uses it as a strength.

A requirement beyond an email address to unsubscribe from an email newsletter is illegal in most western countries.

What's wrong with filtering their domain?

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