[-] bmaxv@noc.social 6 points 8 months ago

@cron @connaisseur

Es ist "einfach" in dem Sinn das eine 1:1 Übersetzung von einem Textformular zu einem digitalen Formular nicht schwer ist.

Es ist schwer in der Hinsicht, das solange man nicht alles vollständig gemacht hat, die Vorteile der Digitalisierung nicht wirklich zum tragen kommen.

Also, ein digitales bild/pdf angucken ist marginal einfacher als ein physisches Blatt Papier, aber erst die Verknüpfung von Daten und Felder macht den großen Vorteil aus.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 14 points 8 months ago

@wgs I really hope you're trolling. Don't do that.

Yes, this is expected and means the regular safeties are working. Don't turn those off please.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 27 points 8 months ago


Generally, don't just copy paste things you find online.

Something else to be aware of and stay away from is "rm -rf /" which will delete everything on your computer, including your operating system. Naturally this will crash the computer and you will not be able to start it again.

(You should be able to boot from a usb stick though.)

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 29 points 8 months ago

@ebits21 #PySimpleGUI #python #opensource

🎶 Another bites the dust. 🎶

Moves like this are a bit... strange? It was on github. There are 1.8k forks, with intact LGPL. What is happening here? Is their dev work worth 99$/year ? Not saying people don't deserve to get paid for their work. I'm just not seeing the business case for this.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 13 points 9 months ago

@bl4kers @floofloof I think it's interesting that it's just a 30 something dude.

The things he's found aren't super detective stuff either, he's taken an interest, found a few pictures that look suspicious, looked some more and wrote about it. Something anyone can do.

I find that motivating.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

@barttier @EherVielleicht

Im Ernst?

Weil das Konzept ist ja den Staat über Neo-Kon/Neo-Lib Ideologie "klein" zu halten, um dann mit privatem Geld nur exklusiv die Dinge zu fördern die vom Spender für gut befunden werden.

Also das Gegenteil des objektiven, gleichen Rechts für alle auf gleiche Chancen und gleiche Regeln.

Faire Behandlung durch den Staat kann man einklagen, aber wenn jemand Reiches einfach nicht an dich oder deinen Verein spendet geht es nicht.

Bsp. Bibliotheken und Unis.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 46 points 1 year ago


"One option to avoid this is to self-host, but then you’ll be identifiable via your domain and have to maintain a server."

Makes it a non issue.

It's free as in freedom not as in free beer and that's that.

Jitsi doesn't have to offer free service and they particularly don't have to provide anonymity.

The same is true for the fediverse, since the admins have info that could help identify users. That has it's uses too.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 8 points 1 year ago

@GCostanzaStepOnMe @crystal

Unironisch: citation needed.

Gerade in Technik und Naturwissenschaften sind die Klausuren maximal weit von der eigentlichen Arbeit entfernt. Man arbeitet nie allein, hat immer alle Nachschlagewerke zur Hand und kann häufig sogar einen Prof/Betreuer/Chef fragen wenn man nicht weiter weiß.

Es kommt eigentlich nur darauf an ob man mit dem Material arbeiten kann und tatsächlich Output liefert.

Und überhaupt nicht ob man etwas auswendig weiß.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 10 points 1 year ago

@bad_alloc @Hubi eine Verhauptwortung des angelsächsischen Begriffs für eine kontinuierliche Inhaltsliste.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 14 points 1 year ago

@oshitwaddup @yogthos can't find the source anymore but I saw a video that basically said "the closing of twitter was so chaotic you can claim whatever you want, they can't check whether you are lying"

So if you are already on board with lying your resume... That? Former "senior backend engineer 5years"?

Obviously don't put stuff they can just check, like claiming skills they can just test you for.

Also maybe not lead positions those people might be too famous.

[-] bmaxv@noc.social 21 points 1 year ago

@On @interolivary the point she was making was that her job is harder because some people are actively dishonest and that creates distrust towards her entire profession, not just the individuals.

Big focus on the how it happened for this case of string theory.

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