The maybe, MAYBE, it's time for the US to start thinking in another way of electing the government.
And an exoskeleton can't have anything covering it because... ?
But "llanitos" don't want to be Spaniards. And I respect that. So the logical way is for Gibraltar to follow the rules of the EU.
In most of the democracies, voting day is on Sunday.
So it's more like a tax for not having insurance then.
Have you sent any tickets to tell them to fix what you think needs fixing? Just like you are a visual artist and not a programmer, they are programmers and not visual artist (at least not all of them) so any feedback is welcomed.
2" / 3 = 0.666666666 Show me that point in you tape measure 😜
And both cases can be fixed by just skewing a little the tape (19 mm -> 21 mm and 2" -> 2.1". Close to 20°)
"Use cloud if available"?
Before that the Zionists, not the "normal" Jews, where doing terrorist attacks on Palestine. Just like they do now. This shit comes from XIX century. And Zionists have always have the same relation with Judaism like AlQaeda with Muslims.
How nice of you to forget the other 70 years of Israel killing Palestinians.
A though has just crossed my mind: what if the advisors want him to be there this way and wait till the last moment to say "you know what? Biden steps down [because of his health] and X runs in his place" so Democrat voters can say "we dodged the bullet".