At least only one has said explicitly that "you won't have to worry about elections anymore".
Then "this car doesn't explode AND has cruise control" is better than just "it doesn't explode".
Imagine someone saying that ALL women have had an abortion because A PART of them has. And now add the shitty laws about going to jail for having an abortion. Can you see the problem?
I don't propose a monopoly but a common platform. The platform doesn't create content. The creators don't fragment the market.
And I say this as an answer to the problem content creators have. Not from the user POV.
Didn't the major changed from left to right in 2016 or 2017?
As has Android.
Then the problem comes from having to chose between Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche and the solution would be to have someone that knows a little about ruling a country.
"You too" is not an excuse.
And I don't even know what the actual fuck is peronism. Some things look like right wing, some look like left wing, some are cult of personality, some are near anarchist, ... Maybe because I haven't understood it.
I'd go a step further: all is modeled after power. If you feel* you have more power it's because the other part is "less than you", not because you both have different strengths.
*Feel, not that it's real.
If you want to go that route I think you should look more towards bikes and less towards cars.
I didn't hear that when Bush was elected, either one.