Kinda hard to move the whole internet
Amazon To Start Running Ads In Prime Video Series and Movies, Will Launch Ad-Free Tier For Extra Fee
I’m addicted to the shipping
Shut the fuck up and let me drink what I like, ok?
Some call it minty
Also cook and clean, duh
Ethically spotless, yet still a crime.
Every mattress store
More likely that technology will be used to overlay targeted ads
I disagree about the TV. Unless you are flush with cash a $300 LCD TV is perfectly good in 2023, you won’t lose any life satisfaction from not having the new $3000 OLED TV.
Ohm my
In America it’s more likely that we ban the use of radios in cars
joined 2 years ago
If the 18 year old borrower assumes all the risk for life, then the interest rate must be zero, right?