YAML is pretty good for readability, pretty awful for writability
Singapore is pretty bad as well
Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory
Maybe this is controversial - I really like Wes Anderson’s films but they’re more of a visual treat than anything else.
Since JavaScript is newer than Python, sure JS is the Python of programming languages /s
I use the Magic Trackpad exclusively - I haven’t used a mouse in years I think!
The Lord of the Rings for sure
It’s gotten worse recently - previously I could dismiss that and still see the whole tab. Now after seeing visiting a few tab pages, it prevents me from seeing any on mobile. Switching to private browsing works, but gosh it is annoying!
Not mine but this YouTube video has a good list of books for getting out of a slump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWAmcg_V6JA&pp=ygUTTWVycGh5IE5hcGllciBzbHVtcA%3D%3D
The original had not much success until the cover?? Where did you get that information from?