[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 1 points 54 minutes ago

Would you mind educating us plebs then? I had a similar question to op, and I can assure you, I definitely don't understand local auth services the way I probably should.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

He has a legit point that Steve did not give LTT a chance to comment. "He doesn't have to!" Maybe. But he gave the other side a ton of airtime/chances to comment. It was very one sided and while GN made some good points, it felt like a hit piece. And Linux, imo rightfully, felt a little betrayed by a guy he'd worked with in the community.

His reaction wasn't great but it was that of a guy who was defending his team and from someone he'd probably consider a 'friend' impugning his integrity and dragging them without giving them any opportunity to comment or even letting him know it was coming--two very common practices/norms.

A unflattering view of GN vid is that he felt threatened by LTT labs entering the space and he wanted to get out in front of that an expose"how unreliable" they are. He didn't give LTT a heads up or allow them to comment because he knew they'd have a solid response. He blindsided him on purpose.

All that said, GN did Linus a favor. It accelerated his transition away from CEO and forced them to review their dumb production rates and the videos that are coming out now are better than ever.

Ironically, it left a sour taste in my mouth about Steve and I haven't watched any of his videos since.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago


Asked whether Piastri lends him enough help, Norris answered: “Yeah, he helps me. But I’m not here just to beg for someone to let me pass. That’s not why I’m here.

“I’m here to race. He drove a better race than me, so I finished third, and that’s where I deserved to finish.”

Hahahah! This is actually a sick burn after the race where the team had to beg Norris to slow down to let piastri pass.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 22 points 4 days ago

Newborn diapers.

Get the cheapest Walmart special you can find. Newborns don't poop or pee enough to warrant fussing over fancy diapers.

Once they get bigger and the contents start getting...bigger, then spend more on better diapers.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 23 points 4 days ago

This is solid advice. If you buy a cheap one and use it so much it breaks, you'll know you use it enough to warrant a nicer one.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

If Norris doesn't give the spot back to piastri, then it would be more clear that Oscar should play the support role.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 86 points 2 months ago

The way I read all of this and th decision is that they are saying that this law specifically only applies to bribery. They define it as a quid quo pro in advance of an act.

In this particular case, you can't charge the guy with bribery because it doesn't meet the definition.

That doesn't mean a "tip after the fact" isn't corrupt. That doesn't mean that's not in violation of some other law. It's saying that you can't apply this law to this case. This court is threading a fucking needle in an attempt to make this a state issue and say the Fed law can't apply.

Justice Jackson's dissent is amazing though:

Snyder's absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one only today's Court could love."

The Court's reasoning elevates nonexistent federalism concerns over the plain text of this statute and is a quintessential example of the tail wagging the dog," Jackson added.

Officials who use their public positions for private gain threaten the integrity of our most important institutions. Greed makes governments—at every level—less responsive, less efficient, and less trustworthy from the perspective of the communities they serve,"

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 100 points 2 months ago

“I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”


[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 104 points 4 months ago

The implication, well one of many, is that the President is the one charging Trump with these crimes. He's being charged for state crimes, by the various states AGs, in accordance to their laws. He's also being sued civilly by people he's defrauded, sexually assaulted, or defamed.

The current president and current administration has had no input in any of this.

The federal cases he has stem from his "mishandling" of classified documents after he was out of office. This case is being handled by a special prosecutor who is insulated from the executive and bound by laws, procedure, legal ethics, etc to act independently from the administration.

So, at the end of the day it's just more absolute horse shit from Trump and more evidence he should never be on the ballot.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 90 points 6 months ago

The real "game" here is that they are trying to downplay the seriousness of impeachment. Because their orange clown was impeached twice.

So they'll "impeach" anyone they think they can get away with to score points with their ignorant base and to make it seems less serious.

It's really shitty and un-American.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 90 points 7 months ago

This honestly feels like a Russian intelligence op. Not that these yokels are Russian spies, but that they've been duped by misinformation, spun up my Russian troll farms, and aimed at the southwest border.

They are dumb enough to do the rest on their own.

[-] cybersandwich@lemmy.world 98 points 10 months ago

I only use Windows at work (because I have to). The thing that drives me fucking nuts, as an advanced computer user in general, is how God damned unintuitive the Office,OneDrive, and File explorer integration is.

I have no idea where I am saving stuff half the time(or more accurately have to change it each time because the defaults are dumb). I don't want it in my OneDrive downloads folder or OneDrive documents folder. I want it in my fucking laptop download folder or local documents folder.

Then Teams is saving stuff in SharePoint in the background, permissions are annoying AF. At least they'll flag that a recipient of an email attachment or imbedded url doesn't have access. So that's nice I guess.

Oh, then sometimes I'm prompted to save a copy of a shared document, but that's different from "download a copy". If you save a copy it just makes a new shared copy for everyone in the SharePoint site.

I feel like a boomer when I work with MS now. Maybe it's all enterprise settings for where I work and maybe it's not MS's fault but hot damn I am so much less productive than if I just used Gsuite, only office, on Mac or .

Maybe I just need to spend a week taking training classes on these products. But who tf has time for that when you have your actual job to do. So I guess that really sums up Microsoft for me: it's in the way and slowing me down.


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