[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

and I'm loving every minute of it jerry

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

I mean, my answer doesn't make any of those people happy, but it's basically just, fuck those people, if there's a correct way to do something, we should do things in said correct way, rather than capitulating to everyone's half-baked propagandized idiot desires

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

some of us make good pets, some of us make good masters, the main problem I'm having right now is that it lacks the kind of erotic kind of framing that I tend to prefer

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

Use illogical, bad faith arguments to trick them into believing that the sky is blue, of course. People fall for horrible stupid dumb propaganda, it's the nature of humanity. Only like 5% of people are really gonna bother to go actually read studies and shit, I don't even really do that, I just look at the abstracts and then hope that the scientists didn't fuck up and run the study wrong or engage in p-hacking or something. I couldn't afford to go to college and take a statistics course, and my only form of education beyond that is watching 3brown1blue videos at 2x speed interspersed with useless escapist brainrot.

Everyone wants to believe that humans are some highly logical computer creatures that can just be convinced if we get hit with enough rigorous logical argumentation. We're really not. You can make something much more convincing to someone if you validate their ego, or if you incentivize someone into believing a certain kind of truth as a result of their survival in a certain context, right. Even if we were purely logical beings, that wouldn't even really solve the problem, because we're all exposed to vastly different information landscapes, i.e. every MAGA guy you run into has probably be tweaking out to AM radio for 8 contiguous hours at their job, or socializing with a bunch of insularly sexist, homophobic, or racist good old boys in an echo chamber for most hours of the day, or whatever else, right. So, what hope can you have to change their minds over the course of a 1 or 2 hour conversation? If even that. And double this for everyone out there that spends their time listening to NPR, or has milder takes about things, or even just spends their time passively absorbing whatever propaganda floats at them through pop culture and escapist media consumption.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Well that's why the point of arguing with other people isn't really to convince them, but just to make yourself smarter and more informed by reading 200,000 pages of government legislation for fun, like it's just another tuesday. Light work for a person like you

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

This is false actually. Any claim can be dismissed and evidence doesn't matter because nobody cares. The best way to convince people of things is with cheap psychological parlor tricks

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

You know you're also using the internet, right?

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 weeks ago

I mean I dunno, even if you switch to some sort of li-on AAs (something which I think would also be good for other reasons, like making recycling potentially easier, being able to swap batteries between devices, making batteries slightly cheaper), I dunno how many people are gonna want to slice open their own batteries and run tests on what comprises them. Since the half-life on any given set of batteries is probably in the range of multiple years, or at least several months, you'd probably be able to set up an attack before any government agency or private battery replacement or analysis would start getting off the ground to sus out what you're doing.

I think the only reason this might be harder with replaceable batteries, would be that the potential for batteries to get swapped out of devices means that you're less certain to see any kind of explosion from a given device that you've modified, and you're less certain to hit the particular targets that you want, but it doesn't seem like either of those would really be a big problem for whoever would want to do this sort of terrorism in the first place, so I'm not sure that's a major deterrent.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 weeks ago

this is relatively recent, and i barely care about the IP conflict at large, let alone some millitia in fucking lebanon. All i know is that pagers fucking exploded lmao.

why are you deciding to weigh in on a topic that you're not invested in and don't even claim to know anything about?

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 months ago

Ayaaa, we had a conversation a while ago about this same topic. I do think you are still correct in your proposal to make NICS public, but I do also think that the other guy is perhaps partially right. I think such a law would probably be well-accompanied by requirements to own a gun safe (which might be seen as increasing the cost of ownership and thus discriminating and yadda yadda yadda shit I don't care about), and to keep guns in said gun safe when perhaps they're not being kept immediately on your person barring extraneous circumstances. I can't quite recall, but I do believe we also talked about that last time, that there was a kind of need for common sense pertaining to the handling of guns, more than there is, considering how many guns are overwhelmingly passed into illegal uses through relatively simple theft.

I'm also not sure I agree that a violation of the background check, being a fine, is going to have much of an effect. If the fine is cheap enough, that might well enough be just free license to pass guns into an illegal domain and then pay the fine and go about your day. It may increase the costs of illegal firearms well enough which might have knock-on effects in decreasing illegal access to and usage of guns, and what have you, but I think it would probably require a more severe punishment than a fine a la a traffic ticket.

But then, maybe if that's the metaphor we're using, then along the lines of traffic tickets, maybe we should just be, uhh, designing the roads differently, whatever that equivalent might look like for guns, but I think that might be stretching the metaphor a little too much.

[-] daltotron@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 months ago

I do think people are becoming overly worried about this sort of thing having a negative effect, or a large amount of sway. I haven't seen really anyone who doesn't have a schizo political affiliation actually commit these sorts of things. The guy who killed shinzo abe killed him for affiliation with a cult, the guy who tried to kill reagan shot him because he was undiagnosed and thought a celebrity wanted him to do it.

I don't think the right wing has enough support broadly, and the hardcore groyper trump types definitely don't have enough support, in order to actually have some sort of large scale mass riot or protest like with BLM. Charlottesville is about the best they're gonna be able to do. But despite their relatively lower numbers, and we're talking like, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction here, we've seen that they are overwhelmingly ready to commit political violence over other political groups, as one might predict and as we saw during BLM. I agree with lots of people that are saying we might get retaliatory attacks from this, but I'm also agreeing that those might've happened anyways just as well, or might've happened for any other reason, it's really hard to tell.

Your average trump supporter, though, I'd be incredibly surprised if they did anything, and I don't think this is going to result in civil war despite how much people seem to want to manifest that as a reality. I'm more concerned with how this has probably just ensured that he's gonna get back in the white house.

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