Maybe stop paying the coaches so much?

The cluttered pages with "videos" running all over the place is what frustrates me the most. I go in and disable javascript and see how it goes. Javascript seems to be the herpes of the internet as far as I am concerned.

So exactly how would non-capitalism work here? I am curious to see what kind of games we would have if there were no incentives.

Is neither an option here?

[-] 19 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If everyone did that, we wouldn't need these laws. But alas, the general public doesn't seem to give enough fucks about their own privacy to change things on their own.

Edit: Guess it isn't a law, but their policy. Same principle applies.

And yet cars kill a lot more people than guns.

Would your comment be as sarcastic if you replaced cars with guns? Doubt it.


[-] 11 points 11 months ago

Where did all the replies to this post go? There was an entire discussion that is now gone, and nothing in the modlog.

[-] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Models aren’t good enough yet to actually fully create quality content.

Which is why I really hate the fact that the programmers and the media have dubbed this "intelligence". Bigger programs and more data doesn't just automatically make something intelligent.

Yeah, I was downvoted to hell in a copyright thread for suggesting that my work had worth and that I wasn't just freely handing it over to the general public. Sounds like a bunch of 12 year olds that have never created a fucking thing in their life except for some artistic skidmarks in their underwear. These kids have a lot to learn about life.

And you have no way of indicating whether or not someone who had killed a child has deemed it in their mind as an honor killing. The point is, you have a lot to learn. Thinking this can just be solved by eliminating religion, well that's a tall order. Preach on though, and show those wacky muslims how they should act.

But the numbers don’t lie. It is an almost uniquely Muslim phenomenon.

What?? You think muslim people have the lock on killing their own children. I think I just saw a news story weeks ago about a woman in the u.s. that killed her children. I mean americans usually tend towards just killing a bunch of other people's kids, but whatever. Keep thinking religion is the bad guy here.

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