I wished we would just tax the environment destroying vehicles to subsidize these velomobils. Another idea would be to include them in car-sharing offerings. I don't need to own one, but I would love to rent it once in a while.
That only applies to people with cars ~~that are less than around 10yrs old.~~
Compost the rich and use them to fertilize the fields.
There is a vim mode available in a lot of other applications though.
Eine Bahn AG haben wir aber schon. 😂
Ich habe keinen Staubsaugerroboter und keirne langen Haare, ich bin sicher.
Bitte nicht.
Markus Söder gefällt das
Als allererstes die Konzerne, die viel Geld in Desinformationskampagnen investiert haben, damit sie weiter fossile Gewinne abschöpfen können.
joined 1 year ago
Got a copy now as well. As they appear to be still confused about git, others might still have a chance. 😂