The syfy miniseries is the superior version. Superfans of Villeneuve (AKA Dennis Newton) act like they’ve never seen a movie before. I will die on this hill (or dune). Come at me, Harkonnen scum.
There is no chance that the GOP today controlled by a crazy MAGA faction can stand against the institutions of the liberal establishment.
starts trembling uncontrollably and repeating “2016” over and over again
Totally normal reaction to being wronged, have no idea what you’re talking about./s
Do you think it's edgy, original, and cool to append "Death to America" to all your comments?
Yes. Death to amerikkka.
“Slavery is okay as long as it takes place out of sight and materially benefits me!” — liberals
West Virginia was a reliable blue state until the 2000 election. Maybe if democrats focused on helping workers instead of bourgeois scum, they wouldn’t constantly be terrified (or even at risk) of losing elections?
You have enjoyed independence for many decades.
Have you heard of neocolonialism?
This, my friends, is an example of the problem of global dutchification. We must combat the Geert Wildersizing of the world.
I’m sorry, you just want to transform these countries into Iraq or Libya, right? You don’t want to hurt anyone there at all! Not even a fly gets hurt when it’s my beloved DEMOCRATS bombing CNN’s enemy of the week!
you can't keep running [referendums] every few years until you get the result you like.
That’s where you’re wrong 😉
Who else is here for the republicans’ inadvertent transformation into the Khmer Rouge?