I had a bug like that today . A system showed 404, but about 50% of the time. Turns out I had two vhosts with the same name, and it hit them roughly evenly 😃
Me and the SO is going on a two day cruise, where 40 metal bands play. We even splurged on a fancy cabin with a queen size bed. Going to be so much fun!
Easy, it's because it is much hotter. Silly sceince people
What if I don't agree? No messages?
We're not. I like you guys. Most of your fashion is what I wore when I was a teenager, but with more colours anyway
[Laughs in SMS]
Butt how will I know that my butt is clean if I can't make the paper look like the flag of Japan? 🤔
The sun sets 14:56 today where I am, still love winter. It's so quiet outside with the snow muffling sounds, it's beautiful, I prefer being too cold to being too hot(I can always put on more clothes, can't take off my own skin), the sun sets properly(it doesn't in summer) .
Fuuuucked, with a kniiiiifeee
This is political shit tier stuff. Take it somewhere else crazy
That's not a knife collection, that's a spoon collection.
I used both E16 and E17 a bit, in ye olden days. Really cool stuff. Very different ideas of what a desktop is/can/should be/do