[-] dzsimbo@lemm.ee 2 points 5 days ago

Send RFK... They kinda look alike.

[-] dzsimbo@lemm.ee 0 points 1 month ago

I wanted to give you some shade for not posting any links to back up your claims.

There was a rumor going around that EULAs can be easily attacked, but when I did a very unthorough search of it, I found the end of this wikipedia article states otherwise.

[-] dzsimbo@lemm.ee 2 points 3 months ago

I based mine off a hazy recollection of what I heard of Germany.

[-] dzsimbo@lemm.ee 1 points 3 months ago

At least 1 month off for both parents immediately after (maybe some weeks before?) birth. Then 1-1 year for each parent.

[-] dzsimbo@lemm.ee 3 points 4 months ago

Are current politics something usually discussed in US middle schools? They're like what, 14? Or is there a separate civics class?

I'm pretty sure if a questionairre that fluffs Trump instead of Harris is passed out to children, people would be yelling fascism.

The problem is with spreading propaganda in school. There's just too much history and philosophy to cover to get a sense for modern policy, unless you have a special class for it maybe in high school.

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