[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 35 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

1- Clearly a right-wing liberal sociologist, common in anglophone countries but treated with scorn in sociological talent pools; Latin-America and western europe

2- Now the idea is that there will be no economic crash but "overheating"? According to who? Monetary neoliberal economic "orthodox mainstream" anglophone universities?

3- Who the fuck analyzed the military stock numbers? American military generals?

4- Why the hell is he shifting the peace rhetoric to gain time to Russia? Intellectual dishonesty at its best

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 43 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

They want NATO to join the war. They only don't understand NATO helping Israel on fighting hezbollah would severely damage American image around the world, far more than Iraq. Only showing force can't help the US with Russia in full military rise and a China who is expanding its trustworthiness around the world as never before.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Fuck. As a brazilian this hurts my eyes. Why are all weak "marxists" in the west so weak? Trots here are far more capable than this stupid guy. Even by the logic of those who consider Russia imperialist instead of expansionist (a view i do not personally adhere to) and to all of the anti-russian fearmongering racist discourse, lenin never said imperialists can do anti-imperialist actions against imperialists. That would be self-contradictory. Only anti-imperialists are anti-imperialist.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 34 points 3 months ago

The brazilian neoliberals couped dilma due to her pushing a developmentalist agenda with a developmentalist economist in office. she is also a developmentalist economist herself.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 38 points 4 months ago

The dominant ideology of the bourgeoisie actively prevents an always fascist state who was left to harbor proto-fascist holdouts in a state (west germany) to fully abandon their fascist elements. therefore, it didn`t take long for the neoliberal fascist elements to take power in the people and in the state.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 44 points 4 months ago

I will only believe nato troops are in ukraine when third party sources confirm it. asia times is very questionable

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 78 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Lula accepted a deal from the brazilian army with the IOF, planned in the bolsonaro era, to buy several APCs.

This shows why critical support is the most that can be done for lula and why PT is not a left-wing party. Its very easy to condone Israel in public but give them money. The amount is close to $500 million.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 36 points 4 months ago

this ain`t going to work. why the fuck do they try this?

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 67 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The brazilian army, in bolsonaro`s years in government, has bought armored cars from the IOF in an amount which is close to $450 mllion. This has went into the neoliberal right local media and they are making a huge talk about it. The army fears Lula vetoes their sale, as the brazilian army and our national intelligence are intimately tied to the IOF and ABIN (The intelligence) obeys to orders from mossad, as when they tiped the arrest of people claiming they were hezbollah.

Now its another chapter in how Lula tries to show if he and PT are really left-wing or not. He can veto the sale. I think he will not do it. Lets see if he will.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 47 points 5 months ago

Political science was financed along with neoliberal economists by the anglo-american bourgueoisie to undermine left political philosophers, this is why most of the humanities and social sciences in romance speaking countries and latin american countries do not take them seriously or even are derisive to them. I will not even go into the fact intellectuals from latin america who never steppet into a university (as latin america has historically never produced knowledge only inside academia) also see political scientists as a joke.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 39 points 5 months ago

they should thank the demoncrats. be sure a "large strike" on iran would not destroy their army but would make israel burst into flames by the amount of conventional missiles that would burn their cities and the radical revisionist zionists inside likud would fear for their deaths and press the nuke button for receiving more conventional missiles in response and completely burning the rest of the cities which survived.

[-] eduds6@hexbear.net 60 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The talk on some specific amateur us-biased "analysis spaces" in the Internet is "iran did this to save face and hit nothing". Please explain to me then how are you able to record stuff flying above historical and key buildings and be having a success rate on intercepting things? Curiously and with no coincidence, the same who say this believe the Israeli army is amazing and the referential NATO army, that Russian an Ukrainian armies are weak, and that Iran has a weak army.

How to take it seriously? Anyone who is informed by analysis, including from military analysts, be them amateur or from some military who is not completely submissive to NATO bullshit propaganda talk and who knows how wars and military strategy and tactics work for more than 10 years, how missiles hit things, how air raids happen, and how propaganda in the Web and in TV works and live in a relatively non-natosphere Web, know that this has likely been controlled by a propaganda harm reduction effort inside Israel, the ue and the US to reduce the number of hits which really happened and the number of people killed, and to pave way for media.

Wikipedia or whatever other liberal and Anglocentric entity to fabricate the real story (or, historical revisionism in the present). For no coincidence, they did the exact same propaganda tactics in Syria, Ukraine and against Hamas. This trick ain't gonna work for everyone for the fourth time, it didn't even work for the second.

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