Oh no.
Not undermine the legitimacy of the Court!
Those fucksticks did it themselves. Anything the Executive does to put it back on course is an improvement.
Oh no.
Not undermine the legitimacy of the Court!
Those fucksticks did it themselves. Anything the Executive does to put it back on course is an improvement.
The stove thing is soo stupid. It's not even a ban on gas stoves, it's just requiring you to properly ventilate areas when they are installed.
Also, hey hello, now look at my butthole.
sudo rm -f /lib /usr/share/backup/blah blah.tar.gz
Note the space.
T1 diabetes here. A cure is just 5 years away...
They told me, when I was diagnosed in 1992.
Seventh time's the charm.
It's not just politicians. That entire generation clings to power and jobs, refusing, either due to ego or that they have trickle down economics'd themselves out of a social safety net and pension.
A huge majority of the leadership positions in major companies are old people. They need to learn to retire and step aside.
It's not only ludicrous, it's straight up suicidal.
Developing wetlands will literally kill us.
Ding. The SCOTUS ruling is wildly unpopular. Republicans literally just took one of their cornerstone issues -- abortion -- and said, "Nah, we're done with this," and handed it to the Democrats to use in elections for several cycles.
When we failed to take the initial spread seriously and let the thing turn endemic, yes. Yes it will. Much like the flu.
It's worth noting these are the firmware / microcode fixes.
There's already a software solution available,
There is a software workaround, you can set the chicken bit DE_CFG[9]. This may have some performance cost, and the microcode update is preferred.
source: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/07/24/3
AMD has also already released a fix for the big boy - the EPYC processor.
Because Trump pardoned him.