Or put the money in escrow pending resolution of the embargo ... This is, I think, the easiest, most responsible solution to show good faith
Where are all the idiots who swear that "coMpaNIes mUSt MaXimIZe proFiTs bY lAw" now?
Wow this is so hard on point!
The state said the award will be reduced to $475,000 under its law that caps damages.
Of course there is a law for capping damages... So, in a nutshell, nothing will change... It's cheap to abuse humans so why bother
Not to defend Musk here but tinkering for the sake of saying you make a change is exactly the kind of consumerism junk we should avoid
There wouldn't be a problem with year and part numbers if they didn't arbitrarily changed it just to be able to market the "all new" cuz
I have a Prius and it's a pita for parts because some refer to it by year, some by generation, some by trim (even if the part has nothing to do with the trim, etc)
I would love to just be able to say Prius gen 4 and be done
It's not about that.... It's about feeding the porks of the military industrial complex
Ehmm.... No you don't
At the moment, Israel doesn't look quite like a player you'd trust with nukes either
but I personally don't get brakes replaced or oil changes done for enterprise when I rent their cars...
Ok, now imagine Enterprise gave you a car with no brakes and an engine about to catch on fire.... You go out and kill a fam of 6
Then Enterprise reveals it's not really their car, it's a sub lease form a shady third party and therefore not their responsibility at all?
But apareny the oil barons are making record profits and telling everyone there is nothing anyone can do to stop them
You are not a pussy for thinking that ... I was there once too... We were both naive
Until a friend taught me 2 facts of life and brakes:
car manufacturers make sure these vital parts are easy to put together to avoid mistakes...
if you pay a shop to do this for you, 9.7 out of 10 times, it will be the greenest, unpaid apprentice who'd do this job on your car
Ps: I did my first job supervised by my friend... Word spread and I knew and by now I have done 4 brake jobs for myself and 16 for friends
This belongs to "I'm 13 and this is deep" on reddit