What a sad attempt at trolling. Repeat after me, the ethnonationalist settler colony of Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people.
Yeah sometimes I forget to stop engaging with these trolls and just let their comments disappear
Your reality and my reality are obviously very different. I wonder what makes you think that only what you perceive is the „true“ reality
While I’m aware this story happened in a different context: Anyone who has a „wrong“ sounding name is invited to try their luck at Tel Aviv Airport. Bonus points if you’re not white. Extra bonus points if solo traveling female. There’s nothing special about this story in a sense that they do these kinds of interrogations every day, including stalking people’s social media & deporting people critical of the Israeli government.
Literally no one I know supports Israel. There are constant protests pro-Palestine in pretty much all Western countries. Pro-Israel rallies do exist & the media tries hard to bring them into focus, but they’re nowhere near as big nor frequent. The public opinion is rightfully on the side of the Palestinians. Our political leaders are out of touch and just follow their next paycheck.
If Aljazeera is a Hamas Propaganda outlet then Haaretz and every other Israeli newspaper are Zionist propaganda outlets.
Our political leaders do support Israel by and large, but literally no one I know is happy about that
Say it with me, the ethnonationalist settler colony Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people. This is happening in front of our eyes. We can see it unfolding in real time. It’s not too late for you to stop supporting a genocidal state and be on the right side of history instead. And let me say it very explicitly. The right side of history is the side of the Palestinian people.
I mean the genocide that Israel is conducting on the Palestinian people. Kind of a bummer when you wanna celebrate Christmas.
For Palestinians, definitely Israel
Es ist extrem menschenverachtend und rassistisch, Menschen die vor Bomben fliehen mit Terroristen gleichzusetzen, nur weil sie die gleiche Nationalität haben.
Ich sehe den Namen des Posters unter jedem Post der irgendwas mit Nahost zutun hat. Und sonst quasi nirgendwo. Feddit ist ja noch ziemlich klein da fällt einem sowas auf. Meistens haben die Posts von diesem Account auch ziemlich viele Downvotes.
Ich bin froh, dass dies keinen großen Anklang bei der Community findet und hoffe es bleibt so.
It’s a chicken egg kind of situation. Does the cop give you a ticket because you’re speeding or are you speeding because the cop gave you a ticket?
I mean Jesus was born in Palestine and there are still many Christian Palestinians, some of them living in Betlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.
There’s even many news reports about how Christmas in Betlehem is canceled. I know it’s hard to comprehend but shit is really that serious. This year’s Christmas is canceled in the birthplace of Christmas.