[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 36 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Reddit's strength has always been its community

There's something nobody talks about much when it comes to reddit. It's that the internet has moved past community. It now revolves around monetized "influencers". Nobody fosters community for the sake of it anymore.

Reddit has outlived its time. It's apparent they've been trying to evolve with the times but the platform isn't fundamentally geared towards this coporatized era of the internet. They've been trying to pivot the platform into social media style. Users now have profiles with avatars, bio text, followers/subscribers. There's now a social graph. The big picture with these things is they're trying to make it into a corporatized social platform like all the rest.

The problem isn't reddit itself. It's the internet that isn't geared towards community anymore.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The internet has been primarily derivative content for a long time. As much as some haven't wanted to admit it. It's true. These fancy algorithms now take it to the exponential factor.

Original content had already become sparsely seen anymore as monetization ramped up. And then this generation of AI algorithms arrived.

The several years before prior to LLMs becoming a thing, the internet was basically just regurgitating data from API calls or scraping someone else's content and representing it in your own way.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 15 points 4 days ago

The intelligence level on reddit has hit rock bottom. That's not to say lemmy instances are the opposite. It's just that reddit has reached what must be some kind of end stage. Someone else posted already about being met with blank stares about technical topics. It applies to pretty much any topic.

Not being very informed about a certain topic is not a problem in itself. Reddit seems to have internalized some sort of personality. One where the social milieu is about petty squabbles. They don't care about the topic itself but coming away from the replies feeling like they're the bigger dog who barked louder. More often than not I find myself just letting them have their victory. There's no real discussion happening anyways.

In the first half of reddits existence it was ridiculed for being the site full of neckbeards who think too highly of themselves on account of nerds being smart-aleck nerds. What I've seen the past several years goes to show that it isn't a nerd thing. As reddit has become more a sample of any given part of the population, this trait of reddit has not changed. People go to reddit thinking they're engaged in some kind of high intellectual discourse simply because reddit is supposed to be that.

I can't tell if these things are a trait of reddit which bled over from the other social media like Facebook and Twitter. I never used those. Just about any other platform is better compared to reddit. Whether that be lemmy instances or small forums. Could be some kind of social media mind rot or something. I don't know but that's what I attribute it to.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 32 points 5 days ago

It's kind of crazy how swiftly Occupy was wiped off the zeitgeist. A key cultural event of the 2010s gone as if it never happened.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 days ago

The "first they came for..." quote is probably more damaging than people realize. They don't systematically make more different people the problem. Everyone is fair game at all times whenever it's opportune.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 60 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Influencer is a fancy word for salesman. Instead of going door to door like grandpa did in the old days, they stream directly to your device.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 81 points 2 months ago

This is what Democrats need. For the younger generations to be the adults in the room. It's been time for it a over a decade ago. They should have been preparing lines of succession during the Obama era.


It now redirects you to the new site login page. There's no way to sign up with out an email anymore(?) It was only possible on the old site.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 100 points 4 months ago

They talk as if they're protecting our privacy when it's really a global surveillance net. The spin doctoring is insane.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 101 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I think I've comment this before but over the pandemic years I did a little experiment. Every day I bookmarked the obvious content reposting bot accounts on the first few pages of r/all. After a while I checked back on the accounts. The majority of them become cryptocurrency spam bots. A very small percentage spam random things. There was an extremely high success rate of picking out the bot accounts. Pretty much all them were except for maybe a handful.

spez is basically exit scamming with reddit. Whoever is buying the dataset is getting robbed blind. That's if reddit inc isn't being upfront behind closed doors. Maybe they are. After all reddit does have well over a decade of mostly organic activity. The recent data has to be absolute trash though.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 93 points 1 year ago

Mods weren't ever supposed to anybody but janitors. That isn't in a derogatory tone. The anonymous userbase was the original value proposition of reddit. The expertise came from random nobodies. Usernames didn't matter on reddit because nobody looked at it. It seems this is long forgotten history from a time when the internet was primarily IT nerds.

By the time mods were becoming somebodies, reddit was past its prime. Once the power structures started forming it was over. As we're seeing now reddit is hinges on single point of failure. The expertise among the userbase has gradually left the platform long before this API stuff. A long slow process years in the making.

Internet janitors are a dirty but necessary job not unlike the real world. Somebody has to scrub toilets and pick produce. People are a-holes on the internet who need to be put in their place. Reddit has long since become too hoity-toity for that. Now mods are supposed to be experts in their field. Too high to be digital toilet scrubbers. Too scared of "muh free speech" to janitor the Greater Fuckwads anymore. So reddit is an asylum run by the inmates. Expertise can't be assed to contribute to a dumpster.

On another note. The imgur purge has also contributed to the barren wasteland of reddit content history. So many dead posts.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 63 points 1 year ago

I thought that's gentoo.

[-] forgotmylastusername@lemmy.ml 62 points 1 year ago

Popular tech (a la pop sci or pop psych). Brave uses the right techy sounding buzzwords to appeal to the pseudo power user.

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