[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

In the past 6 months, Starlink satellites made 50,000 collision avoidance maneuvers. They now maneuver 275 times a day to avoid crashing into other space objects.

They use an on board AI to calculate the positions, but each time they course-correct, it throws off forecasting accuracy for several days. So a collision isn't an if, it's a when, and suddenly we're in Kessler Syndrome territory. Or maybe enough people will eventually wake up and realize Musk was an actual idiot all along.

But until then, great, low pings for video calls. Hurray.

lol, my thinking impaired friend, you have committed the logical fallacy of false equivalence.

Elon Musk making a death threat by issuing a challenge to his limp-dicked fascists "And no one is even trying to assassinate..." THINKING FACE EMOJI HMMM

Is NOT the same as TV pundits advocating for the first amendment right to assemble and petition the government. I'd think that was obvious, but I'm guessing you were.. hmm, home-schooled, right?

Just like you, Elon can't help putting his stupid on public display, because OF COURSE Biden and Kamala receive death threats. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/tennessee-man-charged-threats-biden-harris-obama-rcna168073

First off, Elon isn't the guy who goes on Lemmy repeating clichés he's heard and accepted as fact without ever questioning.. is it even true? Or applicable? Sorry, but I think I'll go with Mark Twain and Voltaire on this one: the best way to deal with a narcissist is to let the air out of their ego and slam them with satire, exposing them for the idiots they actually are.

Elon isn't going to disappear just because you dare not speak his name. He's far too busy blowing up billions of dollars of taxpayer money while his mindless fanboys gargle musk and cheer.

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 17 points 2 weeks ago

Trump is gonna bomb people AND run the Project 2025 playbook while being the same idiot president he was last time, so what's your point?

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 46 points 3 weeks ago

Oh seriously, f right off. Nobody wants Tesla drivers to die, they just want Musk accountable for killing the ones that died because they believed his constant lies in the videos he released and speeches he gave that "Autopilot" / "Full Self Driving" and "ROBOTAXIS ARE COMING" meant that the cars actually can drive themselves.

Tesla only succeeded due to the hard work and innovation of its two ACTUAL founders. Ever since Elon did his cuckoo bird routine and pushed them out of the nest, Tesla has fallen behind all other car manufacturers, and have only managed to stay afloat trading carbon credits for government cash. Instead of releasing a low to mid-priced model to compete, he squeezed out the cyberturd. And SpaceX is going to ruin any chance of humans getting off this planet with Starlink. In 6 months, Starlink satellites had to make 25,000 collision-avoidance maneuvers, and they are on an exponential curve. It's not if, but when they screw up and start the beginning of the Kessler syndrome.

And Starship is the biggest government grift of them all. That PoS will never make it to the moon, much less Mars. It's going to end up just like the Hyperloop.

Elon is a con-artist whose only talent is constant market manipulation, insider trading, and fooling the gullible.

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The article said he was an "imperfect messenger". It means that a candidate with a history of pooping in bed should think twice before leveling criticism at his opponent for snoring.

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

The problem is with a shitty latch: the hood appears closed, but it's not.

The OTA Update doesn't fix the shitty mechanical latch - it still doesn't latch consistently. What it fixes is another poor design choice: evidently, the car has sensors that can tell if the hood was closed correctly or not, but this was never turned on/programmed? The OTA Updates this so now the car can warn you when the shitty latch fails.

Or who knows, maybe they initially turned off that sensor because it was going off all the time because of the latch...

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

Why wouldn't they? Because they want to sell the strong tin leader narrative. I'm surprised he took the bandage off. I'm surprised he isn't wearing a T-shirt with his little PR photo tiny-handed fist in the air. I'm sure he asks his sycophants if it looked more manly than the photo of shirtless Putin riding a stallion.

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago

Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton by 2.9 million votes. He lost to Biden by 8.8 million votes. The last Republican president to win the popular vote was George W. Bush.

It's a Republican's best friend, the Electoral college. More people want progressive candidates, not regressive backwards criminals.

[-] freddydunningkruger@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago

Clarence won't stop until he's been able to put one of his pubes on everyone's soda can

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