No money is owed to a bank for it, not stolen, etc. basically that it is legally and rightfully owned by the seller.
I knew a drug dealer named frosty the snowman
Looks like frosty
Last time we spammed this community with sinks the app was updated a few days later ....
Dang thats insane. I imagine pulling homeless teeth 5 per hr, 10 hrs a day for 10 years would lead to some extreme burnout.
No fucking way someone could see 5 patients an hour for 10 hrs straight.
Did I just go back in time?
Google Gemini is just as bad hahaha
Walmart shuts down stores and departments instead of allowing a union. Fuck Walmart. They aren't saints. They just did all their shit in the past and haven't been in the news for 20 years because we are just used to it. Maybe the Walton family has done good things with their money in the recent past, I honestly don't know. But still I would not support walmart
Fuck that, Walmart is probably worse!
Oh yeah and that dude was like 509 years old. But that was never explained how or why he lived so long.