[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 30 points 5 months ago

I have never used the Steam beta or Proton-GE or whatever information is spreading out there to noobs about what they should do, and I've been gaming exclusively on Linux for more than 20 years. Only do this beta or bleeding edge stuff if you have a problem, and a good reason to believe that will help (like people reporting your specific issue is fixed in beta). Or I guess if you're bored out of your mind. And expect other issues since it's fucking beta.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 26 points 7 months ago

Hmmm??? Die machen kein Geheimnis aus ihren Positionen?

Die “Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost” handelt auf der Grundlage der Gründungserklärung der “European Jews For A Just Peace” (EJJP), die im September 2002 in Amsterdam von 18 jüdischen Organisationen aus 9 europäischen Ländern verabschiedet wurde. Als assoziiertes Mitglied der Föderation will sie über die Notwendigkeit und Möglichkeit eines gerechten Friedens zwischen Palästina und Israel informieren. Ihre wesentliche Aufgabe sieht sie darin, darauf hinzuwirken, dass die Bundesregierung ihr außenpolitisches und ökonomisches Gewicht in der Europäischen Union, in den Vereinten Nationen und nicht zuletzt auch in Nahost nachdrücklich und unmissverständlich im Interesse der Herstellung eines lebensfähigen, souveränen Staates Palästina auf integriertem Hoheitsgebiet und innerhalb sicherer Grenzen nutzt und aktiv zur Verwirklichung eines dauerhaften und für beide Nationen lebensfähigen Friedens beiträgt.

Allen jenen, die sich anmaßen, für alle Juden einer Nation oder gar der Welt zu sprechen, rufen wir entgegen:

Nicht in unserem Namen!

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 26 points 8 months ago

Jules El-Khatib zum Gaza-Krieg: Deutschlands Berichterstattung „extrem unausgewogen“

Wer keine Fremdsprache kann, ist quasi schon verloren. Keine Chance, dass man sich da irgendwie ausgewogen informiert.

Vor ein paar Tagen war bei Reuters (und auch aufgegriffen von US-Medien) eine Meldung zu einem UNRWA-Bericht, in dem Israel vorgeworfen wird, dass sie UNRWA-Mitarbeitern falsche Geständnisse abpressen durch Folter.

The document said several UNRWA Palestinian staffers had been detained by the Israeli army, and added that the ill-treatment and abuse they said they had experienced included severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members.

"Agency staff members have been subject to threats and coercion by the Israeli authorities while in detention, and pressured to make false statements against the Agency, including that the Agency has affiliations with Hamas and that UNRWA staff members took part in the 7 October 2023 atrocities,” the report says.

Ich finde keinen Artikel auf Deutsch mit dem gleichen Vorwurf. Man findet nur etwas ältere knappe Meldungen, wo dann zwar was steht von Folter, aber nichts von falschen Geständnissen.

Als Israel ohne Beweise 12 UNRWA-Mitarbeitern Beteiligung am 7. Oktober vorgeworfen hat, wurde darüber tagelang auf der Frontpage berichtet, und die BuReg hat sofort die Hilfsgelder eingefroren.

Jede israelische Gräuelpropaganda wird rauf- und runtergespielt. Selbst wenn es bereits massive Zweifel gibt, wird trotzdem oft einfach so getan, als wären es Tatsachen. Aber wenn es Vorwürfe gegen Israel oder Zweifel an der israelischen Darstellung gibt, kann man schon froh sein, wenn man überhaupt was findet in deutscher Sprache.

Ich will nur noch kotzen.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 27 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Ah yes, the famous non-state loophole, where you can just shoot people in their hospital beds and it's not a war crime. Just because someone is not part of a regular state military does not mean they have literally zero rights. Also dressing up as a doctor or nurse is a war crime. The occupation itself is a illegal as well, they shouldn't even be there.

DeAtH sQuaDS aRe lEgal acKsHuAllY!!! Fuck off.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 year ago

Many peoples were forced by circumstances to fight alongside people they didn’t like.

He volunteered to join the SS. Nobody was forced to join the fucking SS. Did you mean to say "really wanted to fight alongside", and what's your evidence for "people they didn't like"?

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Use the net installer. Leave the root password empty if you want sudo installed. There is probably no need for you to read the official installation manual, but maybe do so if you run into any trouble.

There are wiki pages for the most common things you might want to setup, like how to install steam, nvidia driver, enable backports (good way to get (some) newer packages without breakage), and enable flatpak. Just google "debian wiki nvidia" etc.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 year ago

The 5 billion was over like 30 years as foreign aid which is like pretty common for the US, there are like 50 other countries that also receive aid like this.

Well that's fine then I guess. The US "aids" pro-US political groups with billions of dollars everywhere! How nice.

All those politicians showed up after it happeded as I said.

There are pictures of them on the Maidan. Before the coup. News articles in the western press. What is this kindergarten? Do you have no object permanence?

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 30 points 1 year ago

I don't know where you're from, but I think you also "hate hate Russia with a passion" and it's clouding your judgement, because you live in some alternate reality if you believe all that.

There's an old clip of Nuland where she says the US spent 5 billion dollars promoting democracy in Ukraine. There's also the famous "Fuck the EU" clip of her deciding who's going to be PM before the coup even happened. Then there's her and lots of other western politicians on stage at the Maidan. McCain famously shook hands with a Nazi leader on there.

Can you imagine what you would say if all these things were done by Russia instead of the US?

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 year ago
  • Ukraine isn't independent, they got coup'ed by US-backed Nazis and libs and they're now a vassal or the US empire.
  • Most European countries would immediately follow the US, as they always do.
  • The whole of NATO cannot send enough arms right now, and you think Poland can do it all on its own soon? What are you on about?
[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 29 points 1 year ago

There was a massive dip in all those places in the 90s with shock therapy. A lot of people are still worse off in a lot of ways and angry. Hence AfD, Orban, PiS and all those other angry nationalists.

Also, if you want to be fair, you should compare for example Poland to west Germany. Polish workers toil for German capitalists, and yet, somehow, they're getting exploited way more than the German workers. Less pay, worse services, worse infrastructure, less worker's rights. That whole arrangement is super-exploitative. Meanwhile foreigners bought most of that country. Treated like a colony basically.

The Russians got fucked even worse than Poland in the 90s, which resulted in a backlash which Putin made himself the head of. What Russia is doing is self-preservation. Any state with the means to preserve it's sovereignty from a hostile takeover would try to do so, it's not just something an imperialist state would do. Hence Russia is not doing an imperialism here.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

NAFO is a Nazi propaganda op. Literally. The founder, Kamil Dyszewski (aka Kama Kamelia) is a Holocaust denier who adores Hitler. I call this the SS type genocide denier. That's actually the most common type.

In case anyone thinks the rest of NAFO distanced themselves from this guy: Lol no, he was just on stage at the NAFO summit in Vilnius.

[-] gnuhaut@lemmy.ml 24 points 1 year ago

"The poor should be prevented from breeding, amiright?" fucking hell who upvotes this shit

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