lmao I wish I could get a free week off work just to replay this to the end again
Little eepy boi
Or waving off your date as they're leaving
Low income serfs get to sit on the ~~high risk~~ sustainability area
Retired at 45 as a fast food eating warehouse manager living in a pod apartment, all you have to do is grind kids
The title started in a much more exciting way
Looks like we're in for another decade week soon
I thought this was in the US initially, but it didn't even seem too surprising considering the deadly combination of the US propaganda machine and their laughable geography education
Good for trans folk, but this is pure "queer-washing" the shit they really stand for. The same thing is happening all over the EU, the same imperialist alliance that is taking a massive shit on the working class and fully supporting genocide, while shoving down our throats how green, sustainable and queer friendly it is
This is disgusting, thanks
Stop making the term "engineer" meaningless
Also this dude has no reason having a based name like "Cuban"