Not all glinet routers can be flashed to vanilla openwrt as my friend found out
Anything that can run vanilla openwrt will do just fine.
I can see why a moderator would confuse themselves with the signal. And more overbearing they are more the supposed signal that remain will have been overwritten by them, if not entirely fabricated.
Moderators discriminate what they believe is signal from what believe is noise.
Noise is whatever doesn't fit inside their belief structure of what constitute signal.
This has been abused to no end, even before the internet by all manners of gatekeepers.
Yes, moderation filtering as a subscription service.
Crowd sourced moderation.
Raw feed always available on my device, I get the last word at all time on my moderation filters and content discovery algorithm,
offline, on device and nobody else ever knows what my choices are.
That's the absolute bare minimum that I would find tolerable.
How about I continue using it forever and I just MIGHT not blow up all your datacenters ?
It's coming in through the walls
What we never needed was his billionaire ass.
No because platform capitalism has capture tge software ecosystem and leverages you own human capital against you.
Oh look it's that little US lapdog
Keep Cuba down and destitute to prevent the threat of a good example.
The UN is just America's war condom.