Die Frage im Titel hätte mich sehr interessiert, nur geht der Artikel eigentlich gar nicht auf die Frage ein?
Since it's not federated like XMPP this is completely pointless when all the users are on their server.
Let's go web standards!
Survivorship bias.
@shortwavesurfer @MarcRnt Sadly, Signal is just another walled garden. We need to make XMPP apps more popular.
> Do any wasps make honey?
> No. Adult wasps drink nectar from flowers but don't turn it into honey. They feed their young by laying eggs inside prey.
@whou Don't forget the time they made it possible to 'donate' to creators, but when creators weren't signed up with their program #Brave would just keep the donation. So users would think they have donated for example to Tom Scott, but in reality he never received anything. Overall just a scummy company.
I just love how the other person immediately knew there could be a difference between the left and the right USB port.