If a user can open their baking app, and this app can sense that and open instead, then that is 100% an Android issue. That behaviour shouldn’t be possible.
Better be careful, you might accidentally fall out of a helicopter.
That’s not what’s happening.
I’ve only ever heard it called jive
Ah so just the 16” is 100Wh then. Makes sense, more room.
You know, when I typed it out it seemed wrong. I then proceeded to be lazy and do absolutely nothing to verify. I’m leaving it, I deserve to be ridiculed at this point.
As a computer engineer, I had better know. And don’t get me started on MiB vs MB
It’s an awesome show! There’s a couple seasons in the middle that aren’t as amazing as the rest (still fun to watch), but it picks back up and the final bunch of seasons were also great
Doesn’t That tower still need to route the call to 911? And if that routing is broken the call wouldn’t go through…I think?
To me, no I would never pay $3500 for a headset. But I can also appreciate the insane amount of tech that’s included in it. Historically the 3rd or 4th gen of a new apple product is where they really hit their stride. And hopefully in this case come down in price.
As for the battery I personally don’t think that would be much of an issue since when I think about my main use case for it I’d be sitting on the couch and it would just be plugged into the wall. I couldn’t find the length of included usb-c cable online but I have a few 2 meter ones already that I would use.
On flights I can see it being frustrating for sure.
Apple Music pays out 2-3X more than Spotify to artists if that is something you are concerned about.
Feel like I travelled the world reading this thread with the amount of goalpost moving.