Canada exists.
How you drive is the biggest factor. I can get 3.5L/100km driving super careful in my Prius, I can also get around 6L/100km if I race everywhere.
Just admit you were wrong dude. It’s ok.
Those stickers are ALL over Alberta.
I wish you were right.
Spacial Audio is another one. When watching a movie with headphones the sound always seems like is coming from the device. If you turn your head to the left, your right earbud becomes slightly louder, creating the illusion that the sound is coming from the screen. It’s pretty neat actually.
All I can say is I’m glad I haven’t had the same experience. Not huge into rap or hip-hop and have never had them come up. It seems pretty good at recommending new songs to me. Not sure if it uses my current library or my searches but I’ve been happy with it.
If you go to settings > General > Default feed do you see home there?
If you visit your instance on a browser do you have a home option?
Maybe for some reason your instance itself doesn’t have a home.
Good luck sorting it out!
Wow I never would have guessed. Very cool! Thanks for the info.
Seems like something that is location dependent. I go to McDonald’s far more than I’d like to admit and like I said, I’ve never seen them down.
Canada here, never encountered a broken machine.
My mistake, I didn’t check his math. I thought he was saying if you take distance apart at t(n) and subtract distance apart at t(n-1) you will get distance/sec.