Income is taxed, yes.
Stop! He’s already dead!
In reality he most likely skimmed your comment, still thinking he won.
Do you know how encryption works?
I dislike the AI push as much as the next guy, but you are totally right. Pro-AI comments don’t do well around these parts. It’s crazy that people are denying it.
Highlight the tracks, command+c, paste into numbers, and then print it.
Was my first idea and it works, took about 5 seconds.
Not sure how accurate this would be as charging is not 100% efficient. Also the amount of power the phone uses while charging would have to be taken into account as well.
I just tried with the default files app. You can definitely rename file extensions.
What? Can you say the word double without your lips touching? I can’t
This has gotta be peak ATBGE right??
Everyone I know that isn’t a cigarette or weed smoker agrees that cigarettes smell much worse. It also lingers longer.
If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle
It’s really not that hard, don’t give out personal info. Meet in a public place.