Kind of. I've been playing a lot of PS2/GBA era games lately and I've been having more fun than most modern releases.
I'm definitely "behind a generation" where I wait for games to be available to easily torrent and run on Linux.
Kind of. I've been playing a lot of PS2/GBA era games lately and I've been having more fun than most modern releases.
I'm definitely "behind a generation" where I wait for games to be available to easily torrent and run on Linux.
This is why I don't care about establishment democrats.
Literally everything they do is for show.
South african whites can be some of the biggest, most entitled pieces of shit on the planet.
Always downvote for slam in the title.
This comment chain shouldn't have been removed.
I stayed home because establishment democrats do not represent the interests of the working class.
What exactly about this is dumb?
It seems like a harmless way to get the message out. Charles Darwin likely would be spinning in his grave, along with Newton, Einstein, and many others.
Resisting the system would be to leave Israel.
What took Biden so long?
Why do we vote for people who wait until the last possible minute to do something?
Oh god, this stuff is so tiring.
These people will say she was put here to test those men, and she will be rewarded for her sacrifice after she dies.
If you're trying to find logic in religion, don't listen to the followers.
You can get free games with torrenting, so it never appealed to me.
I don't want or need more accounts, nor do I want or need more launchers.