You know, that's not a terrible idea.
If Taiwan is so strategic to US interests and reliant on the US for defense, perhaps it should just become another state.
You know, that's not a terrible idea.
If Taiwan is so strategic to US interests and reliant on the US for defense, perhaps it should just become another state.
Yeah, I really enjoyed the polish of it and how it showed us what a better fallout could be.[
That said, it was woefully lacking on content and committed a cardinal sin of gaming: the ending felt like the game was just getting started.
Also, not a fan at all of whoever is telling them to ignore romance options.
Actually, what you describe is pretty typical for rural living in most first world nations.
Ruling classes don't care about peasants out in the country because it's easier to make more money off of city dwellers.
I love my kid-gamer self.
I was really bad at games, but I would always chalk it up to "I'm just a kid and it's okay to be bad."
Well, all the evidence points to a suicide so you don't really have a point here.
Mushishi is fantastic.
Do you have evidence of how prevalent these are in his state?
Could you give me advice on how to do that? Is it something that I would have to add manually in a 3D modeling program, or is there a way to do it in Cura?
Which do you think?
Android has storage encryption by default?
Why do I only need to enter 1 password?