[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

Always gonna upvote New Vegas.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

These models can't write satisfyingly/convincingly enough yet.

But they will.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago

You know, Costco exists in Europe as well, with the same food order menu.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 9 points 5 months ago

Seems like they're experimenting with acquisition this time around. After the slog that is Protea, Citrine etc, I'm all for it.

Hopefully they stick with this, or figure out more interesting ways of making acquisition feel more meaningful.

At least the game mode (Disruption) is actually pretty fun and a very decent arcane grind to boot.

Best small update in a long time, imo.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 13 points 5 months ago

Four of the most prolific serial killers were based in south American countries like Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil etc.

After those, it's India, China, Pakistan, former Soviet states, Russia and so on.

Hardly first world countries, and especially not when these killings took place.

Those killers' body counts eclipse all American killers' by a very significant margin.

Gary Ridgway (the Green River Killer) is the most prominent American serial killer by a mile, but he's not that "famous" even though he was arrested and convicted rather recently (about 20 years ago).

He is an uninteresting person who is rather stupid, doesn't do interviews and doesn't revel in his infamy like the more famous serial killers do or did. He's almost more akin to a rabid animal as far as public perception goes.

Furthermore, the decline of serial killers, even with more interest and attention than ever, I think is largely attributed to better social safety nets.

As it turns out, it seems that in at least some cases, socialistic policies work surprisingly well.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

A huge point of legalizing is to take away a large percentage of gangs' income by making legitimate businesses replace their supply chain over time.

Obviously criminals are still going to be deep in that as well, especially since they already have a lot of the supply already in place, but people are more inclined to work with police if they aren't at risk for being hassled by them for their drug use and/or business with said drugs.

It's basically death by a thousand cuts (over time) for criminal enterprises.

Also, if there's no reason to be scared of the cops or the justice system (that's rich!), you're also more likely to cooperate with police if your legitimate drug business is being squeezed or compromised by criminals.

This should've already happened, of course, because now the problem really is the amount of money criminals have made off of the illegal drug trade, rivaling many nations. That money is being laundered and injected into legitimate businesses and investments, solidifying criminals' leverage over the economy.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

Yeah, that's what I've heard, but how expensive can a goddamn Wile E. Coyote movie be?

It just seems a little odd to me that this is the big "public" write-off, considering some of the trash they've put out that didn't break even.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago

As said by others; see a physician, then a psychiatrist (in that order).

Auditory pseudo-hallucinations may be completely benign, especially if you've partaken in psychedelic substances recent or long since past, but they may also be an early warning sign of (like you said) potential pressure on the brain or abnormality in brain functioning.

And even that might be fine.

Either way, why gamble? Go see a doctor.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

I do believe it's something like 300 per resident of the US per year, not specific residents with prescriptions. Just illustrating quantities, in other words.

Actually, I believe it might be worse than that, but I'm not looking it up, just tried to clarify.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

Man, things are a LOT worse in the US than the media makes you believe if the median income is $2600 a year.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Constant crashing for me as well. Posting this from another client, Sync is just completely unusable for me atm.

[-] kaosof@lemmy.world 34 points 1 year ago

By "removed" you mean replaced with a different guitarist (John 5)?

If somebody can't play/tour, they get replaced - the show must go on and whatnot.

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