Bleach is back in the menu.
"Turn the other cheek" practice.
Nothing it is then.
Calm down Cuddy.
I don't like ads, but for paywalls I just close the page like it was a 404 error.
It hasn't gone well the times that I've said that it is better to not feed stray pets if you are not going to take further care of them. In the sense that helping the chances of more uncontrolled offspring just means more suffering in the end.
No one has yet mentioned the part of the border that has been cut? I'm deceived.
Companies just don't get enough resistance to this behaviors if more people went against them things wouldn't be in the state they are now.
Not since the accident.
joined 7 months ago
Is the federation so hard to grasp? It's basically your website having friends and you see what the users in the friend site say.