Me neither. Unfortunately not open source..
Well... If I was China, I'd see this as a motivation to invade Taiwan.
If the invasion works, it works.
If it doesn't, simply wait for a US president that isn't able to plan 3 days ahead.
Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem with Instagram which results in a "results hidden" message when users search for the terms "Democrat" or "Democrats".
If that's hard to fix, I recommend shutting down the servers forever.
DNA is AND when you reverse it.
This is fake!
If it was real, the "Nevermind" button would be a "Maybe later" button instead...
You have used more key strokes than supported by the free package...
Well, that mf didn't survive either... He's dead....
Let's build something called Tit and look for the Titan, which was built to look for the Titanic....
Why does the weird one think that he should have more power than a government?
This is bad.
We have already rejected Morocco because of geographical reasons...