[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com -3 points 1 week ago

Education can’t fix it (lead horse to water ..)

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 weeks ago

In my campaign I used to have a cursed scroll of reading. Which provided such provoking and interesting content based on one’s feelings and desires, it trapped the person into reading it for a very very long time unless saving throw.

I can imagine how much more effective it would be if one could reply to that reading, and enter another level of entrapment.

And here we have cursed scrolls in real life. Me 30 years ago would never have guessed .

Unrelated, but this is where I stop doomscrolling for the day. So long until tomorrow, unless I make my daily saving roll

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It’s more hidden but more of a problem now, actually.

But it’s such a complicated multi faceted issue with things that vary state by state it’s hard to do coverage without literally writing pages and pages. And very few people know all the stuff going on.

I will list some of my issues being generic as possible: (edited formatting below)

  • it’s possible to write voting systems which allow one or two people who run the company to skew the results without the rest of the company having a clue. ( this I know by my 40 years of writing software)
  • election voting systems are very complex and can be messed with at over a dozen (literally) different ways, other than #1
  • the code and systems are normally trade secrets
  • the admins are unknown, who has admin keys is a private list. The security here is unknown
  • many states have exit polls done afterwards which are significantly different from the results
  • many states flunk or withhold data for basic tests for ballot stuffing
  • many places give printouts and receipts but no recounts use these, if recounts done at all
  • the general rule of thumb is if it’s too complex to understand how the voting works then it’s not fair voting
  • any electronic voting requires faith and trust to use. This is not how democracy works
[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com -1 points 2 weeks ago

Many people commenting here have legitimate points, including op and the people who are angry at him.

My two cents is that if Ukraine dropped conscription and lifted the ban against travel, the army would shrink significantly.

Not because the majority don’t support resisting, most do not want to be annexed by that corrupt Russian mess. But because the conditions on the front are very well known and many think/want others should do the fighting.

Many people want to leave Ukraine, but can’t or some try risky ways out. Majority support Zalenski, but he and his party have more than some critics about more than a few issues. And corruption is still a huge thing despite a remarkable cleanup that is still ongoing.

But without conscription and the authoritarianism, I have no clue how different it would make things. Certainly the front lines, if any existed then, would be different. Ukraine might be gone

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago

It’s a knee jerk reaction for many to want polls to still matter. Polls are important of course, but not this year and next year is uncharted territory.

The only thing to do watch now is the comfort zone of the 10,000+ people in the American billionaire families; and that is the only check in power right now

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 month ago

I’ve been against electronic voting in the USA for years. Many states, especially the so called battleground states, rely on these for the most of the results.

People like me, who say paper ballots only please, have been ignored by the very people who are upset by outcomes calculated by procedures they cannot possibly explain ( it’s secret). Who will, until their dying day, swear they have faith in the integrity of these system because their cousin’s friend’s uncle knows somebody who works in sales who says it’s ok.

It really does not have to be that way. It’s a uniquely American trait, I think.

For many here, they can find comfort with each other.

For me, the initial disaster has not stopped, it started over a generation ago, and continues in its original form and fashion. And will be ignored by most reading this.

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 month ago

I think the reason I switched back was because my computer was underused - a lot of the memory was free and the fans hardly ever came on, except when gaming.

But now windows uses every bit of my ram, filled up my hard disk and the fans are humming along.

Thanks Microsoft!!

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 month ago

Not to mention rejection/loss of their mothers.

So here are some hybrid elephant/mammoths (because take modern elephant egg and replace parts if it with edited dna, keeping most of the modern cell) ; who probably will experience constant pain and unhealthy feelings due to the editing; having life long psychological issues - with no real place to live except in a nature preserve.

The first viable generation will probably be so messed up they need humans to raise the second generation; and the future generations will probably not feel healthy.

Has anyone ever had to deal with several tons of grumpy issues ? I’m fist it’s not me helping

This is why I totally do not support such efforts, done for things other than the new life’s value

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 2 months ago

25 years ago I noticed the trend in the movies in the theater, and realized the USA was becoming fascist. I was sad, but surprised later at how long it took. I rather thought it would be faster and more dramatic, and not this creeping sorry mediocrity seen later in politics

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 2 months ago

I can’t count that high

[-] limer@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 3 months ago

A lot of the initial popularity of Isis in Iraq was due to very similar factors. This was an uprising of a complex mix of people and goals. Most involved at first were established leaders who were patriotic and tribes who were oppressed by the new and invalid government.

This of course was airbrushed in the west and countless thousands were killed by Americans during the uprising.

Syria was destabilized due to the mass death.

The main takeaway here is that force often seems like an answer but that can go badly

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