Oh yeah. I always like to see if there is someone else who has made one for me before doing it myself.
Shame how much censorship goes on, but it's another reason to not trust mods "just because they're mods."
Oh yeah. I always like to see if there is someone else who has made one for me before doing it myself.
Shame how much censorship goes on, but it's another reason to not trust mods "just because they're mods."
Internet users like you are the worst.
Odds are because there isn't one.
Abusers will always try to justify their abuse by saying their victims "don't understand" why it's "necessary."
Dick Durbin.
Apparently he swindled some Illinois voters into voting against their own interests.
They need to get the memo so they can prevent it from happening again.
I mean, they would have to value different things if they want things to change.
For some reason, this generation is proud to be a follower rather than a leader.
It's like they enjoy being foot-soldiers of the people who keep them in their destitute positions. Rather than fight the ruling class, they envy them.
I just did some looking into this.
Apparently defense contractors get paid twice.
It's so fucked beyond belief, I hope this generation can do something about it.
Lost, huh?
Does that mean casualties? As in, not necessarily deaths?
Russia has lost 1,330 soldiers killed and wounded over the past day alone
I would assume the answer is 'yes.'
Fuck I hate the propaganda reporting on both sides.
It's ironic, because I'm sure most libertarians have convinced themselves they're being mature by working against their own interests.
I dunno. At some point you have to recognize that's what libertarians are when the overwhelming majority of them fit his description.
Instead of trying to argue that most libertarians "aren't true libertarians," you'd be better off finding a different word to describe what you want to communicate.
I'm a firm-believer that libertarianism is a way to grift working class people who think they're better than other working class people.
Name checks out.