I have a saying, "If it's not DNS, then it's Selinux". It blocks stuff so frequently it's a major time sink for us.
It is overly complex and difficult to understand, especially if you're developing and deploying software that does not have correct pre-rolled policies. A regular job for me is to help developers solve this - which generally means running their service, seeing what Selinux blocks on, and then applying a fix. Repeat 2-8 times until every way Selinux is trying to access a file is explicitly allowed. And sometimes, even software that comes via official repos has buggy selinux policies that break things.
Fortunately, there are tools to help you. Install setroubleshooter amd when something doesn't work, "grep seal /var/log/messages" and if it's selinux causing the problem, you'll find instructions showing you what went wrong and how to create an exception. I absolutely consider this tool essential when using any system with selinux enabled.