They're ok. Just a fun little toy that brings back nostalgia and not much more, at least for PvE purposes. My old hands are content to bullet jump as DE intended when they folded coptering into the game.
Are they banned in Conclave?
They're ok. Just a fun little toy that brings back nostalgia and not much more, at least for PvE purposes. My old hands are content to bullet jump as DE intended when they folded coptering into the game.
Are they banned in Conclave?
I too came for the space ninja pirate wizards and stayed in spite of the... other stuff.
The Second Dream was cool and all, but the new systems were so rough at launch that I took my first extended break from the game because of it.
Tap for spoiler
I still don't like my space kid that much so they stay in the Orbiter closet.
Besides the design flaws that others have pointed out already, I can't play Lavos since his ability chording gives me hand pain after prolonged sessions, and I can't use my mouse buttons for them without redoing binds or creating a completely separate Lavos-only button profile.
Cooldown-based abilities are also not my thing; I've played enough classic MMOs to tire of the timeline optimization meta-game.
This isn't the first year they've done it, but heatmaps by mastery are a great enrichment to the otherwise flat ranking-by-usage data.
I kinda wish there was an option to combine stats for base/Prime frame variants, especially for Primes that released in the lookback year.
Edit: am I tripping, or are stats missing for Excal Umbra/Prime?
Finally! I'm so tired of the Fandom platform.
Also, the Stakeholder Analysis meta-wiki page is unintentionally very funny.
Sicarus Incarnon has dethroned Laetum as my comfort secondary. It's the perfect blend of ridiculously strong and easy to use, especially with the ricochet.
Dera Incarnon with Primary Crux is very funny and my second favorite of this batch. I just wish the Incarnon fire rate was higher - I find myself camping the Incarnoff mode until it's time to laser a priority target.
Cestra is also extremely funny but still has horrible shot spread, so it's mostly meme gun status to me.
Sybaris is fine. I'm sure the many Sybaris enjoyers appreciate the upgrade.
Okina is pretty nuts! Definitely melee of choice on Frost, but stands out in lots of other builds too. I'm curious what the other two in your top 3 Incarnon melee are.
It only gets better. 120-ish hours is where I'd expect the game to start really opening up for you, assuming you've been making progress on the star chart and mastery ranks. 😄
As you can tell, there are many foot-guns and opportunity costs in this game. If you aren't playing under someone else's guidance, I recommend finding a mentor, else you risk making the same expensive mistakes that I (and many others) have made.
I believe in living with the consequences of my actions. I definitely made that choice deliberately and not because I didn't know you could submit a support ticket for that.
In any case, it's in the distant past now. Check before you click!
I'm sure there's more stuff I'm forgetting or repressing. 5k+ hours btw
Does anyone have an Ash setup that they like? He's one of the few frames I cannot seem to find any joy in playing. I've tried Savage Silence Bladestorm and found it incredibly boring to wait for things to die.
I heard a similar pitch from someone else after I came back to Warframe around the launch of Duviri. Initially I wasn't impressed, but the incremental improvements from Archon shards and properly built Electric/Gas weapons made a pretty large difference to me (even better now after status reworks). She's definitely a regular in my Circuit/EDA rotation now, and an easy frame to recommend for new players.
Also, as someone that still plays Loki and Chroma, there are dozens of us! Ok, maybe just one dozen, but still.
Khora is a monster. Lots of people use her for farming/interception, but I much prefer to run her as a whip-cracking DPS with Magistar Incarnon, Magus Aggress, and Amethyst Archon shards for melee crit damage.
Definitely concerned that Khora won't be able to casually hit huge damage numbers after the pseudo-exalted rework. We'll see what happens, I guess.