I happened to be at mass today. There was a little explanation in the missalette that not only did Jesus's death redeem the sins of everyone today, he also redeemed all the sinners who lived and died before Christ came. I dunno, it reminded me of the Roko's Basilisk eternal judgment computer simulation....
That's the bitter truth isn't it. You'd think the raw and bloody reality would put people off.
And people gave this man money. Lots of money. My God.
What is it with these maniacs and ~~planning~~ ideologies that went out of fashion in the ~~thirties~~ forties?
30k is still a big whack of cash for a professional. They might have to send their kids to a state school!
Ok, yes, he's making it all up to look cool, but the idea of dorky rationalists mixing pills, booze and ket is really, really funny. If you really want to be good at code, you should be drinking and drugging like you're Lemmy in 1971....
Another good comment:
sounds like the officers didn't know that the amount taken was so small. From the post:
After many more attempts to intimidate me, I was finally informed of the charge: “that smoothie place over there says you the stole cash from their tip jar.” Huh? How much? One of the officers returned from the smoothie bar, and said, a bit sheepishly: “they say it was $4.”
So the most likely scenario was a comedy of errors. All the cops know is that the manager of the smoothie place ran up to them and said "that guy just robbed our tip jar!" They interpret this to mean he emptied out the entire tip jar, which would be a pretty brazen thing to do, so they roll up on him hard out of disgust that anyone would do such a thing. Then they talk to him and discover that what actually happened is that he absent-mindedly took $4. That's a very different class of violation, but it's not like they can take back the aggressiveness of their initial approach. The damage was done.
In theory, the officers could have avoided the mistake by questioning the manager for more details before making the stop. Look at it from their perspective, though -- one of the people you're employed to protect is telling you that he's just been robbed, and if you futz around too long, the perpetrator gets on his plane and gets away with it. It's not surprising they would decide to stop the guy first and work out the details once they could be confident he wasn't going anywhere.
But no, it's just that the world is against Scott. It's not just feminist bloggers from the early 2010s, it's the cops, it's everyone.
My dad is a smart guy so he applied to join Mensa in the 80s. Incidentally he was also an amateur soccer player at the time. Anyway he did the first test which was free and passed it. There was a second test which you did have to pay for but it wasn't that expensive so he did it and passed. But then there was a third test you also had to pay for....so he didn't join. Gave him a good story.
On the rational wiki page for Mensa it says that the founder of the organization left when it was quite young, commenting that conversations between self-validated smart people quickly devolved into "mental masturbation"....
If nothing else, they'll be able to start a great punk band.